Counterproductive Nutrition.

Back in 2001, when I was around 50 pounds heavier than I currently am and decided to do something about it, I took a sensible approach to eating healthy. I didn’t diet by making select foods off-limits, instead I counted calories with a reasonable daily limit, I took up cycling and I kept my fat grams per serving in the single digits. There was one other thing I did, and I know this going to sound kind of odd but I ate enough vegetables to make sure that my pooped floated in the toilet bowl after I did my business.

Earl hated that I checked, but I believe the way to healthy eating is to know your shit.

Through research and whatnot I found that cheese probably isn’t the best thing in the world to eat, especially if you’re losing weight. I’ve never been a huge cheese fan, though once in a while I like to eat a piece of sharp cheese with apple pie or in lieu of a fancy dessert when we’re dropping huge amounts of money on small amounts of food. However, I did deduce that eating cheese wasn’t very healthy and it did some funky things to one’s digestion.

Imagine my surprise today when I saw a new product from Kraft: cheese with Activia in it to help constipation. The yogurt companies have been throwing active bacteria cultures (branded Activia) into their product for years. Personally I can’t stomach the stuff since I feel like I’m eating something akin to a tapeworm but nevertheless the yogurt with ‘active cultures’ must be popular because it’s still easily found on the shelf at the grocery store. I can’t help but think that cheese with this stuff can’t be good for you. First of all, it must confuse the hell out of your body’s digestive system. I mean, think about it. You eat cheese. It stops you up like glue. And then all of the sudden the cheese starts eating it’s way from the inside out from your insides.

Now that’s more gross than checking out whether you’ve got sinkers or floaters in the toilet bowl.

Has the American diet become so whacked that we start throwing all sorts of additives into food to help our body recover from the crap we eat on a daily basis? Does anyone else find this approach to nutrition to be a little crazy? We have shaker fiber that can be mixed into anything to help things move along. We have innocent potato chips that cause explosive bowls because of the olestra used to make the stuff. And now we have cheese that has active cultures in it. What happened to just plain old moldy blue cheese?

I guess I long for the days when we knew what we were eating and it wasn’t modified to do something funky to our bodies to counteract what it was intended to do to our bodies.

Quiet Sundays.

One of the things that Earl and I have been doing this new year is kicking back on the weekends, all two of them. There’s a reason for that and it’s quite simple; we are during that bleak, dark time of the year. I’m not referring to winter and the short days in these parts, no, I’m actually referring to the time between Christmas spending frivolity and tax refund checks.

Now I realise that the American economy has taken a downturn and we are fortunate enough to have a roof over our heads with all the trimming while many do not. But I’m sure others would agree that this is the time of year when everyone tends to tighten the financial belt a little bit. It seems to go hand in hand with the diet resolutions or something.

This weekend I decided to give my PowerBook a little pep by wiping the hard drive clean and reloading Leopard (the latest version of Mac OS X) from scratch instead of cruising along with the Panther -> Tiger -> Leopard upgrade I’ve done on this machine. The results have been amazing and despite being 3 1/2 years old, my computer feels quite new again. While reloading the software and tweaking the computer to my liking, I have passed the time by browsing various internet shopping sites for some do-dads and other intriguing geek toys.

I think it’s time to start saving my allowance again. I feel like Lucy when she saves money out of the “household budget”. Ramen noodles anyone?


I’ve been keeping relatively quiet about the primary elections, caucuses and other activities that strain one’s high school lessons in social studies. Earl and I have had several discussions here at home, but for the most part I haven’t been doing much yapping on the blog.

If the truth were to be known, I already sick of the presidential election and it’s still 10.9 months away. However, I will say this: Over the past eight years I have equated “baby Bush” with the entire governmental process of the United States. As part of my extreme nature, “it’s all of them” that have been making life less than delightful for many Americans. I don’t believe that we are any safer today than we were on 9/12/01. I don’t even buy into that “be very afraid because they bad guys are going to get us” mentality. Hey, if it’s my time, it’s my time, whether it’s from a lightning strike, a bad piece of food, an anti-gay wing nut or at the hands of a terrorist. Quite frankly I think the country as a whole has it’s panties wound up entirely too tight and if people were to relax, think and ponder life a little bit instead of racing to hysterics at the smallest opportunity, the United States would be a much happier place.

A number of months ago I expressed a desire to move to Dublin, Ireland. It’s my favorite city, despite my very limited time of being there and someday I would like to live along the River Liffey. A number of months ago I also had dreams of becoming an Irish citizen and leaving Ol’ Glory behind.

I don’t feel that way anymore, and here’s why. Earlier this week Hillary Clinton’s now infamous “tearful speech” moved me.

But it was Clinton’s response to the last question from freelance photographer Marianne Pernold Young that provided the electric moment. How did Clinton keep going? “I couldn’t do it if I didn’t just passionately believe it was the right thing to do,” Clinton began telling Young, her voice cracking. “I have so many opportunities from this country and I just don’t want to see us fall backwards as a nation. This is very personal for me.”

When I heard Senator Clinton’s tearful response, it struck a chord in me. It wasn’t the tears that moved me, it was the message and the way that she conveyed her feelings on the subject. There *are* people in government that really do care about the United States. There are government officials that share my view that our great country is moving backwards on so many levels.

As children we are taught to respect the President. The President leads the entire country; it doesn’t matter if you’re rich, poor, black, white, straight, gay or whatever, the President is leading the whole crowd. Earl reminds me that we should always respect the office entitled President, but sometimes the person isn’t worthy of that respect. If I were to vote today, I would vote for Hillary Clinton. I believe that with her as our Commander In Chief, we would have a leader that I could respect once again.

Bright and Early.

So today is Saturday. Because my body likes to play tricks on my soul, I am wide awake at 6:46 on a Saturday morning. “Heh! He’s out of work and waiting for school to start in a week – let’s get him up bright and early.”

And so I lie here in bed with the PowerBook catching up on various blogs wondering if I will still be awake after lunch.

I have to give props to Earl for going to work this early on a Saturday morning. He went in to catch up on the stuff he was unable to get to all week. I guess that’s why he’s the big guy and all at work. There are an infinite number of things that I admire in that man and his dedication and determination are just one of them.

The DirecTV man is suppose to be here between 8 and 12 this morning so that he can repair our dish that was damaged in the wind storm the other day. Aside from this brief flit with frivolity we have no plans for the remainder of the weekend. We were going to drive to Buffalo tonight for their bear night but the post-holiday budget doesn’t include hotel rooms at this time.

Now I’m starting to yawn and feel like I need to take a nap. So much for that bright and early Saturday morning.

Typical Work Day.

365 Days: Day 9

Originally uploaded by iMachias.

A stormy day in Upstate New York equals a very busy day in a telecommunications network operations center. Sometimes it feels like to adequately multitask you need to be two people. Tomorrow is the last day of my encore performance with my employer and I have to admit I’m going to really miss the folks I work. However, it’s not like I’m moving away and will never see them again; I like to think that I’m leaving on good terms so I’ll stop in from time to time. Maybe I’ll remember to bring a plate of cookies or something the next time I visit.

Life is an adventure that must be experienced. I firmly believe it’s a journey of learning. And I fully believe that it’s important to make the best of it and embrace it. Don’t sit in the window and watch life pass you by, go out and drink in what the world has to offer.

It’s all good.

Bid On This.

What has happened to ebay? Browsing through the famous auction site used to be like walking through someone’s garage sale; you’d take your time to browse and perhaps find a treasure that someone else thought was just junk. You’d offer some money for the item, niceties would be exchanged and they’d get the money for their junk while you’d add another item to your collection of stuff.

It used to be so simple.

These days it’s like being forced to go through your local Wal*Mart (Always White Trash, Always) while sober. Lights flash, ads play, snipers bid at the very last possible second, squashing any chance of you winning an item because you can’t press ENTER fast enough, people are downright nasty in their e-mails and nearly illiterate people type questions and answers in all capital letters while mangling the English language in an astounding number of ways.

I sold my HP laptop on ebay. I will admit that I neglected to include the remote control that came with the computer when I shipped it so I am making good by shipping it out. On the other hand, I threw in a carrying case and a large amount of Windows based software that I have no use for. I didn’t charge for the software, I threw it in for free.

And the winner is still bitching about it, mainly because he can’t figure out how to work the computer and install the software I included with the auction. He also claims that the power connector was broken in which it wasn’t when it left here.

So here we are, 08 January 2008 and I am declaring it to the world in my typical “one extreme or another” fashion.

I’m done with ebay. Fin. Finito. It’s a wrap.

65 Degrees.

365 Days: Day 8.
Originally uploaded by iMachias.

It’s currently 65 degrees and the temperature is still climbing. I thought it made sense to take off my clothes and take a picture in the backyard.

So much for the foot of snow we had up until yesterday!

C’mon Get Happy.

365 Days: Day 7.
Originally uploaded by iMachias.

Nearly 50 degrees at 10:00 p.m. in the beginning of January. How could anyone not be happy?

By the way, I get a lot of comments and questions whenever I’m seen in this shirt. People find the logo on the front to be interesting. It’s the logo for a software development company called Ximian, which was purchased by Novell a couple of years ago. I earned this shirt as one of the first beta testers of a product called Ximian Evolution (which is now Novell Evolution), a program that is much like Microsoft Outlook (and a whole lot more) except that it runs on Linux and Unix. I wear it often and I consider it a badge of geek pride.

I wish I could find a Mac fanboy shirt that I could wear. Does anyone have any suggestions where I could find one?

Happy Spring.

I know I’m tempting Mother Nature to inflict some wicked mischief upon us by writing this blog entry but I feel like taking a walk on the wild side. The National Weather Service predicts that it’ll reach into the lower 50s today and nearly 65 tomorrow. As I write it is currently 51 degrees fahrenheit. For Upstate New York in the beginning of January, this is big. Not only will winter blahs be pushed off for a while longer, but now we’ll have rapidly melting snow to flood basements and such. There’s always both sides to every equation.

I’m still on the fence as to whether this is totally due to Global Climate Change or if it’s part of a cyclic pattern in the grand scheme of things, but I tend to lean in the direction of the former.

Whatever the reason, I plan on drinking in some of this nice weather every chance I get.

The aforementioned DJ SuperCub mix has been posted. There’s one really bad segue in there that I could have edited to make it perfect, but then that wouldn’t have been an honest representation of my work.