
31 people were killed and over 100 people were injured in an explosion at the busiest of Moscow’s airports today. Russian officials are calling it a terrorist attack.

Sigh. This really bothers me for a couple of reasons: I have family members that have flown through that airport on numerous occasions and people I love work for the airline industry. I am so tired of this perverted obsession with airplanes and airports. Like everyone else, I wish the terrorists would just stop it. My heart sinks whenever I hear of this sort of thing. I really think the human race has somehow shifted into reverse on the evolutionary PRNDL selection of gears.

I used to love to fly. There a few things more thrilling to me than getting into a two or four seat plane and soaring high above the earth. I used to find flying on a commercial flight to simply be a watered down experience of that thrill but now it’s become such a pain in the ass to fly that I have decided that I will drive to wherever I want to go unless there’s an ocean or something in the way. To me that’s very sad, but it’s reality. I hate the idiocy that has permeated the airline industry.

One of Alec Baldwin’s blog entries recently mentioned his thoughts on the airline industry and I found it to be most accurate. Referring to the airline industry after 9/11, Mr. Baldwin said this:

“The airlines were quick to take advantage of the new climate of security at the expense of all else. Whatever shreds of elegance were left in the US airline industry (most of it gone after the death of Pan Am) were yanked out and replaced with the public school bus system we fly on now.”

That really describes what flying is like now. Passengers are herded like cattle into a ridiculously minimal amount of space carrying obscene amounts of luggage, food and snacks to avoid any extra fees, with the hope that they won’t be left out on a Tarmac for five or more hours while the TSA tries to figure out the best way to blast passengers with an unhealthy amount of radiation for “security measures”. It’s a small wonder that more flight attendants aren’t popping open a beer and sliding down the emergency slide. The combination of security concerns, the declining sense of personal responsibility (especially with the passengers) and the lack of any sort of class with what was once a fairly classy venture has made the thought of getting onto an aircraft somewhat intolerable.

Now, I bitch about the state of the American airline industry because I don’t buy into the security theatre nor the corporate cutbacks of the airlines. No backscatter X-ray machine would have prevented the Moscow attack today.

This is sad, because as I said before, I like to soar. I wish others shared that feeling with me.

I grieve for those affected by the Moscow airport attack today. I hope I love long enough to see this kind of thing come to an end.

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


An undoubtedly random post again, the second one this week.

The husbear returned home last night and there was much rejoicing at The Manor. He works hard. He makes me proud. But when he’s away things are a little off kilter. I am surrounded by family and friends that make me smile, but the husbear is in a class all by himself. He is one of a select few that truly get me.

We were awakened by the sounds of a plow truck this morning. As the driveway was being cleaned out, it was noted that about 8 inches or so of snow fell last night. The commute this morning wasn’t horrible, but schools were canceled anyways. Parental litigation fears fuel this absurd approach to snow days. One of the local schools has used up their season of snow days already and it’s only mid January. They will be complaining when their spring break is taken away. When I was a kid we were tough. That’s what all the old people say.

Nevertheless, today has shaped up to be a gorgeous day. Let’s hope the picture I want to appear below actually does so.

A view from the Jeep in the parking lot at work.

I did a little research on calories and found that my Friday cookie treat is more than double the calories of a McDonalds hamburger. So today I went for the hamburger instead. Plus, there is less sugar content.

One would hope that a hamburger had less sugar than a chocolate chunk cookie, but with today’s food wizardry it’s hard to tell. Perhaps I should eat an apple or something. At least I had a vegetable in the form of catsup, as we were properly taught in the 80s.

The Jtown McDonalds is being revamped and no longer looks like a traditional McDonalds. I guess they’re replacing the rock ‘n roll theme with a more basic plywood and temporary food stand theme but I assume they have other plans for the finished product.

Today the workers raced to put the eyebrow on the rebuilt exterior of the building before the 25 MPH winds and several inches of snow returned, as predicted by the National Weather Service.

If the pictures appear as ordered in this entry I will be quite pleased. This iPad thing might catch on after all.

-Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


So I’m sitting in the Jeep at lunch watching the snow fall through a crystal clear windshield. There is a certain beauty in discovering that the windshield of your vehicle has been replaced whilst you were doing your thing in your cubicle. I no longer feel the need to wear safety goggles whilst driving. Pretty cool.

I attended a big company meeting today, along with many of my co-workers, and I feel energized. This is the first time in a long while where I have been completely happy with my employment. The people I work with are great, the company I work for seems to have it’s act together (in the organized chaos way I tend to enjoy), the hours are decent and the pay ain’t bad. As an added bonus, I’m doing what I have always wanted to do; be a paid geek.

My sightline is clear. My head is clear.

My future is bright.


This post is going to be a little random sounding because it’s my mood today.

I went on a little road trip over the weekend and made a discovery. I am technically inadmissible to Canada. This is due to a check that bounced in 1991. The check was for $16.42. Since it went to a court, I am a criminal and therefore inadmissible to Canada, so says the customs folks at the Ogdensburg-Prescott crossing. Since they’re there, it’s obvious that they have nothing better to do. However, since it has been over 10 years since I committed this horrible crime, I am considered rehabilitated and therefore allowed to enter. If I do it again, I shall never be allowed to eat anything maple, eat poutine or say ‘eh’ for the rest of my visit on this planet.

God bless America!

Whilst on said road trip, the likes of which I may write about someday, Mother Nature flung a rock at me. Actually, she had one of her minions do it and I now have a nice southwest to northeast crack across the bottom of the windshield! Yay full glass coverage!

You’re in good hands with Allstate.

In the past five days I have been challenged regarding my affiliation with my lifetime partner: the bored people at Ogdensburg-Prescott wanted to know why his name is on the Jeep (DMV only allows one) and Allstate wanted to know why two names were on the policy. In both instances I was tempted to tell them that we like to get it on, but that would cheapen both the experiences of that sort and the life we have together so I simply replied with the standard “we’re partners”.

Yay for being a second class citizen!

I somehow think my being pulled into immigration had to do with the fact that my name isn’t on the car registration (though it is on the insurance policy) and for that I’d like to thank all the folks who vote down marriage equality. Because after all, marriage should be reserved for only those that are able to reproduce.

It’s a shame that no one told my 75+ year old grandfather that when he remarried. I know he was happy, shame the marriage purists technically didn’t want him to be.

Jimbo (he’s on the blog roll to your left) mentioned that a Golden Globes commentator didn’t like the guy from Dexter’s big red beard. For that I shall grow mine even larger.

Yay for being the only ginger of this generation in my family!


So today Verizon announced that they will be carrying the iPhone 4 beginning in February. Existing Verizon customers will be able to pre-order the phone on the 3rd while new customers can start on the 10th. I like the love that Verizon is giving their existing customers there.

I am excited about this. As I have mentioned on and off, I switched from an iPhone 3G to the original Motorola Droid last spring because AT&T didn’t offer 3G service for most of my commute and in the city I worked in. The Droid initially performed admirably; the screen was gorgeous, it seemed quite responsive and Verizon’s network made me happy. Unfortunately, my Droid is showing some premature signs of wear; the sliding mechanism doesn’t stay closed so I occasionally pocket dial or take photos of my pocket during the workday. In addition, the keypad has the habit of stuttering more than I do, throwing random letters in succession here and there. But the one thing that the Droid lacks, in my opinion, is the fit and finish of the iPhone. The software isn’t as smooth on the Droid and I have to work more to use the device. When I was using Linux full-time I hoped that I could plug my Droid into the computer and have it sync up with my music program in Ubuntu, but no such luck. We already know that the Droid doesn’t sync with iTunes without the help of DoubleTwist, but even with that program it should be easier than it is.

I must be getting old in my geekdom, because I just don’t want to mess with syncing these things anymore, I just want it to work.

One of the perks of the Verizon iPhone is the built in wifi hotspot. This is wonderful and something not available on my Droid. I will be able to ditch the extra MiFi card and just use my iPhone for my portable wifi hotspot. Brilliant.

Needless to say, I will be switching to the Verizon iPhone on February 3. I am looking forward to that familiar “home” feeling in my mobile device of choice.


Dear Dunkin’ Donuts,

It appears that it is time for our monthly chat. I regularly order a large, unsweetened iced tea from your fine establishment. It is store #331323. The receipt you gave me says that you gave me an unsweetened iced tea. It looks like an unsweetened iced tea, but when the young lady was assembling my drink, I saw her take the cup and spray something into it. It looked like it could be an artificial sweetener. Perhaps it was antifreeze. Possibly high fructose corn syrup. I was hoping it was just a little extra water.

After tasting this drink, I can not figure out what you put in my cup and quite frankly I am mostly frightened by this. I say ‘mostly frightened’ because I am confident that whatever was sprayed in my cup was not a body fluid, so there is a small amount of relief.

We both you know you can do better.





I’m sitting in the Jeep enjoying the winter sunshine during my early lunch hour. The screen of my iPad is very reflective, so I thought I was long overdue for a vanity shot.

(Updated 11 Jan 10 1836 EST to actually include the photo, since the WordPress app on the iPad sucks so bad.)


When I got up on Wednesday morning I noticed that we had about six inches of snow in the driveway. I had not planned for this contingency, so I figured I would just to barrel my way through the snow and then everything would be fine once I got to the road. This is something that was taught to me by both my mother and father; point your car in the right direction, make sure nothing is coming and floor it, causing you to get through anything like a bat out of hell. This has worked well for most of my adult life.

I would usually take the Jeep to work under these circumstances but scott and dave were at the house and scott was going to use the Jeep to take dave to the airport so he could get back to work as a flight attendant. I trust my driving ability in the snow more than I trust scott’s, so I figured he could use the Jeep and have the 4×4 and I’d make due with the Acura.

As per my plan, I got out of the driveway just fine with one caveat. When I got to the road, I discovered that the county hadn’t done much in the way of plowing. “Hadn’t done much” actually meant that they hadn’t done anything and what was even more troubling was that the telltale signs of sand on the road weren’t present. The road was white with tire tracks. This computed in my brain in less than approximately two seconds when I got to the road and the Acura kept going like a bat out of hell: across the road. I got the car whipped around in the right direction but it still wanted to head in the direction we were previously headed. My dad once remarked that you can feel a car smile at times. While he was referring to a ’78 Impala back then, my ’05 Acura was yelling “WHEEEEE!” as it slid sideways into the driveway at the house across the street from ours.


I was parallel parked on the wrong side of the road across the driveway of our neighbors whom I have never spoken to aside from a friendly wave and who didn’t live there at the moment because of the fire they had a few months ago. I tried to get myself out of the driveway by doing the usual back and forth sort of thing. I got the car rockin’ (though it wasn’t really that sexy rockin’ one would hope for in a car) but it wasn’t going anywhere. The Acura continued to grin mischievously.

The neighbor’s house sits below the level of the road a little bit so I figured if I got myself into their driveway the right way, I could barrel myself out of the driveway like I had done at our house, expertly pointing the car back into our driveway and into the garage where I would leave it until spring. dave would have to take a train to get to his airline job.

The car easily slid down to the bottom of the driveway where it kept going off the end of the driveway and thankfully, just to the right of the large shed the neighbors had down there. I was stuck and no spinnin’, rockin’ or rollin’ was going to get the car out of there.

I was still in good spirits. Perhaps it was the “WHEEE” the car had done before, so I got out of the car and woke up dave and scott and told them they had to push me out of the driveway across the street. Now these two guys are experts at keeping you safe on any airline flight that involves their attendance and to their credit they are beefy guys, but there was no way that they were going to be able to push the car up the hill and onto the road, so I didn’t even bother yelling ‘words of encouragement’.

The plowing guy, a friendly chap named Tim, came along and helped with the pushing but to no avail. I was going to have to call a towing company.

The tow truck guy was very friendly and professional. “How did ya get that down there, boss?”, was his only question about the incident.

I explained my strategy and he said the county sucks with plowing and I could only do so much so with his tow truck and $75 per half hour, I was pulled out of the driveway in no time but not before a Toyota truck came flying into the neighbor’s driveway. Someone had passed me while we were down in the driveway and called him to let him know that someone had “flown off the road and into his house”. Now of course this didn’t happen but I am happy to say that 1. he didn’t care about the lawn we had torn up trying to spin the tires, 2. he is working on rebuilding the inside of the house that was burned and 3. I have done more than a friendly wave, we have had friendly conversation, exchanged a few anecdotes about the neighborhood and we have exchanged a handshake.

Surprisingly, my good spirits remained intact as I took three hours of personal time from work to bring this saga to a completion by getting dave to the train station so he could be to LaGuardia on time.

The Acura has been parked in the garage, where it belongs, until spring.


If you are reading this directly on my blog page, you’ll notice that things look a little different on here. I decided to clean up the look of the blog with something a little more simple and hopefully easier to read.

I hope you enjoy the new digs. Please feel free to comment as much as you’d like because one of my goals of 2010 2011* is to be more interactive with those that take the time to read the stuff I write.

I have been a hermit for too long.

* This is the first time I’ve written the date wrong in 2011. Ruined my record!


Many thoughts and prayers for everyone affected by the tragedy in Tucson today.