
With the new year I’m giving using my iPad Pro as a primary computing device another go. I’m not using my iPad Pro exclusively, but I am using it as a “sidecar” during my workday. While work has me trying to do things on a Windows 10 all day long, I can swivel to my iPad Pro to take care of personal tasks that pop up during the day, play music, etc.

So far the experience has been acceptable.

One of the frustrating things about my iPad Pro is that it’s still running a glorified version of iOS, which was originally designed for the iPhone, and it seems stuck in that paradigm. I’m really hopeful that Apple will change direction on this soon, as the iPad Pro line feels very overpowered for what’s generally asked of it to do.

Another thing that slightly bothers me about my iPad Pro is not Apple’s fault at all. The YouTube app on iPadOS doesn’t allow me to use plugins to hide comments and their idiotic “shorts”, something I always do in all web browsers on all platforms when I’m in YouTube land. I detest shorts and with the rapid degradation of society, comments in general are really not worth my time. It takes a little more brain power to ignore these things when using the YouTube app. My solution is to just not watch videos from YouTube on my iPad Pro.

That’s probably better for my mental health all the way around.

Out Loud.

I think out loud a lot. I often ask “why”. I think it drives my husband crazy at times, but sometimes I need to know the “why” so I can process it and understand it. I’d suck at just being told to do something without knowing the logic behind it. A weakness? I think not.

One of the things that definitely drives my husband crazy is I’ll process all the “why”s and the outcomes of a discussion out loud when he’s just asking for me to answer a question. For example, he’ll simply ask something like, “do you want to go to DiCastro’s for dinner”? Before I respond I may say something like, “well, I really like the pasta at DiCastro’s and they have a great selection of beer. They’re also really good at Chicken Marsala, but the Trackside has those great bread knots and it’s not too far away. We haven’t seen Lisa in a while”.

“Who is Lisa?”, he asks, with a slight hint of annoyance in his voice.

I look at him in disbelief, “The owner of DiCastro’s, of course”.

You’d think that after almost 28 years he’d be able to keep up with my multi-threaded approach to thinking a problem, but as we get older my multi-threadedness is a bit more scattered and he isn’t the fountain of patience he used to be.

We still make it work.

I try to rail in my ever charging trains of thought but as I get older I simply do not have the bandwidth to keep the herd of cats in my head in the same litter box. I just go with it now, knowing very well that I will come to a sane outcome that probably only I can understand and hope to relay coherently to the rest of the family.

And this is why I’m looking into Focus and Productivity webinar type things on the Internet in this here New Year.

Wish us all luck.


Today Apple announced they’ll start accepting pre-orders for the highly anticipated Vision Pro, Apple’s “spatial computer”. It’s a VR/AR (visual reality/augmented reality) device using goggles. Deliveries start on the 2nd of February and the unit starts at $3,499 US.

That’s a lot of money.

I’m having a hard time understanding the use case for this device, especially at this price point. The Vision Pro will undoubtedly be an amazing experience for the user, and when it comes to wearing VR goggles on your face, I’m sure Apple’s experience will exceed anything we’ve seen before.

But the old guy in me wonders, why do we need this? Is it to have an unlimited number of “monitors” in front of your eyes? Is it to further immerse the user in an online world, shielding them from the realities of real life? Other than a super nifty computing experience, how does this new spatial computing paradigm make this world better?

Vision Pro Glasses? Sign me up. Take my money. But fairly heavy goggles tethered to a battery pack in my pocket? For $3,499 US? Pass.

My husband is relieved. The credit card company is not.

Apple is expected to sell 350,000 units in 2024. That’s $1.25 billion dollars. There’s a lot that could change in the world via $1.25 billion dollars.


Today in the Sonoran Desert the wind is whipping at 20+ knots with gusts as high as 30 knots. I can hear rain hitting the side of the house with regular reliability and there is a hard freeze warning in effect for tonight and tomorrow night. The National Weather Service is declaring we may hit the record low of 24F.

I guess we needed to get a reminder of a North American winter or something.

I’ve been busying myself in the house with geek projects. I’m playing around with my old ThinkPad T460s, tweaking Pop!_OS on my desktop, and communicating with friends and family via iMessage on my MacBook Air.

Why have one computer when you can swivel between a few of them.

I’m a little short on patience today. I’m finding that as I get older I’m getting a little short of patience on a regular basis. I need to keep that in mind as I work on my personal goals for 2024.

I probably want a nap because of the rain. I think I’ll drink a cup of coffee and go read a book or something.


Truman has decided to celebrate the New Year by enjoying a new vantage spot in the house. He enjoys sitting under the dining room table, keeping his eye on household activities.


I’m often reminded of how I consider myself to be one of the luckiest men in the world. Earl and Jamie were going out to lunch today, which would leave me “vending for myself”, as my husband likes to put it.

Apparently he does not trust my culinary instincts, so before leaving for his luncheon date, he made me a very pleasant salad with some steamed shrimp on top.

And it was delicious.

As an aside, after watching “Downton Abbey” over the years and now thoroughly enjoying “The Gilded Age” on HBO/Max, I feel inclined to enjoy luncheon, instead of just eating lunch.


I didn’t get to see the sunset last night, but the after glow that hung around for a long while was impressive. My iPhone camera didn’t capture the colors the way I wanted it to. It was a good moment.


My love-hate relationship with Meta (the corporation that owns Facebook, Instagram, and others) continues.

As a private pilot without a lot of aviation friends in this part of the world, I like interacting with fellow pilots online. Facebook Groups lends itself to this. Instagram provides a lot of General Aviation content as well. I enjoy these things.

However, Meta has begun pushing Threads, their Twitter clone, in Instagram. Hard. In between photos and videos of folks I follow (and plenty of ads) on Instagram, my feed is now peppered with updates from Threads. I haven’t used Threads in months after giving it a try when it was first announced. I found it confusing and redundant at best.

Usually I would scroll beyond these Threads suggestions without a second thought, but one of the suggestions caught my eye. I’m not going to link to it and I’m not going to quote it because it was just incredibly gross. The link in question had an appreciable amount of anti-trans rhetoric in it. I scrolled down further and the next link had a good amount of anti-gay dialog in it.

I believe Meta’s algorithm was trying really hard to goad me into engagement by enraging me. And that’s why social media platforms based on algorithms controlled by corporations suck. That’s why we are in the societal disarray we are in today. Corporations want money and the way to get that money is to engage users by enraging them.

Now, I can ignore these stupid attempts at grabbing my attention. As a grown man I have the smarts and wherewith-all to just scroll beyond this idiocy. But I fear many do not and they go down the anti-whatever rabbit hole and then get poisoned by the rhetoric. This is how the new Republican party works in general. Outrage, yell, and hook the stupid.

I’ve always believed one should have a permit to get on the Internet and I stick by that.

In the end I can say that I’m not going to use Meta’s products and contribute to their bottom line but in reality I have just completely removed them from my phone and I only access their products on my computer where I have so many ad blockers and content modifiers in place that they need a physical crowbar to feed their stupidity at me. It’s worth the cost.

What isn’t worth the cost is the idiocy of Meta in general. I desperately wish the aviation community would move away from the paid platforms to open source alternatives like Mastodon and PixelFed. Hell, I’d be good with old fashioned GEnie Roundtables or AOL message boards at this point. Plenty of folks are moving away from the corporate social media platforms but not enough folks are following the lead.

Admittedly, I’m not helping the cause by still peaking from my computer. I realize this as I type this blog entry.

Maybe I should put my money where my mouth is and start staying away from those platforms completely.

My aviation presence on Mastodon is on MyTransponder. My general presence on Mastodon is on Hachyderm.

Dance Break.

One of my favorite ABBA songs was never released as a single. They performed it a few times on television back in the day, but this one has always been relegated to album track status.

This particular mix is missing the harmonies on the chorus and honestly I prefer it to the version on their greatest hits albums.

From 1979, here’s “If It Wasn’t For The Nights” by ABBA.


Dr. Reed Timmer, storm chasing guy of Team Dominator, has predicted a total of 1,207 tornadoes in 2024. This is based on data aggregated from years with similar weather patterns (El Niño, oceanic water temperatures, etc) over the past 50 years. It looks like New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, and Florida are going to see an above average count of tornadoes this year.

I have been on the fence about going on another storm chasing week during the peak season this spring. While I did see one tornado last year and experienced some impressive lightning storms, Mother Nature was in a mood for the week I was out on the Plains and I found 2023’s trip disappointing. My chase in 2022 was fun, though, and on both occasions I got to meet some other storm chasers and see some great landscape. It’s just that last year I had to do a LOT of driving day to day because of Mother Nature’s hissy fit last year.

It looks like this year could be more promising if I time it right and incorporate the lessons I’ve learned over the last few years into my approach for this coming year.

I know I have the support of my husband if I decide to go. I’ll be watching the weather patterns closely over the next few months and plan out a more spontaneous approach (ha!) to the trip in 2024.