Political BS.

Free Speech.

Editorial cartoonist Ann Telnaes quit The Washington Post a couple of days ago. She had drawn a cartoon depicting what’s going on in Mango Mushpot land these days: corporate leaders are making personal donations to Trump’s Inauguration fund, apparently to gain favor with him during his upcoming doom administration.

The cartoon was killed by owner of The Washington Post, Jeff Bezos. Bezos also owns Amazon.

Here’s Ann’s rough sketch of the cartoon in question.

Ann posted a full account of the story, and the subsequent reactions on her substack.

While it isn’t uncommon for editorial page editors to object to visual metaphors within a cartoon if it strikes that editor as unclear or isn’t correctly conveying the message intended by the cartoonist, such editorial criticism was not the case regarding this cartoon. To be clear, there have been instances where sketches have been rejected or revisions requested, but never because of the point of view inherent in the cartoon’s commentary. That’s a game changer…and dangerous for a free press.

The next four years are not only going to be incredibly exhausting and dangerous politically, but they have the very strong potential to screw up this country for at least a generation.

I’m still blown away that so many people either completely lack a moral foundation or are so incredibly selfish that they voted for a second Trump term.

This is not going to be fun. But apparently America voted for the felon it deserves.

Wonder No More.

And we wonder how Trump could have possibly won the popular vote in this latest election.

This type of real estate listing photo appears more often than a sane person would imagine.


Vice President Kamala Harris takes her official portrait Thursday, March 4, 2021, in the South Court Auditorium in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building at the White House. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)

So, Joe Biden announced yesterday that he is withdrawing from the presidential elections in November. He endorsed Vice-President Kamala Harris to take his place. I suppose it will become official during the Democratic National Convention in August.

Of course the Orange Rapist is having fits and wants a refund on all the money he spent on screaming at Joe. This course of action has completely thrown off his summer golf plans. It also eclipses anything that happened last week during the Republican National Convention and spins the news media away from the outrageous bandage he’s been wearing on his ear. He paid for those props.

I sound cynical. I am cynical. In my perfect world, we’d just start talking about the president elections now instead of spinning up the hype four years before this cursed event.

Joe did the right thing. I was never crazy about voting for him this time around. It’s time for younger blood to come in and get things done. It’s time to change course. And now, Trump is the oldest candidate to run for president in the history of the country.

The media should be questioning Trump’s competence and mental acuity now. He’s way past whatever excuse we could call “his prime” and should also step down. That little Reddit troll he selected to run as his VP, the one that grew a mangy beard to look less ugly, wouldn’t stand a chance in the role, so it’d be fun to watch that go down in flames.

Overall I’m comfortable with Kamala, much more comfortable than I was with Joe. I think she has it in her and I’ll be throwing my vote in her direction come November. That is, if the country is still here, she’s still the nominee, and nothing startling has happened like twisters wiping out half the northeast again or something.

Good times. If it wasn’t a wasted vote I’d still vote for the Very Large Meteor.


Joe Biden is far from perfect as President of the United States. Personally I’d like to see some younger candidates on the ballot, but that’s not going to happen with the political machine that runs Washington, D.C. The eldest generation is going to hang on to every ounce of power possible until their last dying breath.

That being said, choosing between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, a convicted felon where he was found guilty in 34 out of 34 charges, and with three more trials looming on the horizon, seems like a no-brainer. It’s not an awesome scenario, but when it comes to common sense, it seems like voting for the guy that isn’t a convicted felon would be the patriotic move.

But brains and common sense no longer prevail in these here United States in the 21st century. We’ve got our toe on a society reminiscent of “Idiocracy” and every day I wonder which is going to expire first, the United States as we know it today, or me.

Don’t be stupid in November.


It’s way too soon for the next Presidential Election primary season to start here in the United States. I know some folks started talking about the exercise right after the outcome of the 2020 election was called, but I’d be a really happy camper if we could limit discussions around the next presidential elections to only the six months leading up to the event. I feel like that would give us enough time to figure out who was going to do what and we could make a rational decision come the first week in November.

But the U.S. election system doesn’t work that way, mainly because there’s no money in that sort of sane approach. And money is the name of the game when it comes to Politics.

So I’m not ready for 2024. I’m not ready for the rah rah, I’m not ready for town halls, I’m not ready for any of it. I can tell you that I’m not excited by any of the candidates that have announced their intentions thus far. The frontrunners (if there is such a thing 18 months from Election Day) are both just too damn old. The Baby Boomer Politicians will just not let go and let candidates from the younger generations find their way to the big offices.

What I’m really not ready for is anger and vitriol. 2016-2020 was exhausting on way too many levels and things slowed down just a little bit from the end of 2020 to the present day. I’m not ready for Facebook posts and political rants. I don’t want to be part of any of that. I feel like I’m going to be desperately clinging to the “country” side of my family and just keep my politics personal. Political beliefs should be like spiritual beliefs, but instead of being between me and $deity, it’s between me and the voting machine.

I’ll probably get more worked up as we inch toward the frenetic political pace that is waiting for us on the horizon. I may share some of my opinions then.

But I’m really going to try hard not to get angry about the whole thing.


Photo from AP News.

The people Arizona showed a spark of sanity in the recent elections and have elected Katie Hobbs as our next governor. The margin of victory is less than 1% and has been right down to the wire with vote tabulations. Of course her opponent, Kari Lake, an ardent Trump supporter who denies anything that makes sense and is obviously vying to be Trump’s running mate, is having a hissy fit of ridiculous proportions and screaming about fraud and cheating and the like.

I’m really, really tired of sore losers.

The election was way too close for comfort and it’s disconcerting knowing that probably half the people you encounter on the street supported a candidate who feels Arizona should secede from the United States, basically stripping folks of their social security, Medicare, and countless other perks of being part of the Union, as well as getting rid of the six military bases here in the desert. Her approach sounds so patriotic. Yet, nearly half of the votes went to that nut job.

I’m interested to see what Katie Hobbs does as governor. I’ve been shying away from politics in general because the whole affair is incredibly depressing and disillusioning, but at least with Katie Hobbs at the helm of Arizona I feel a little bit of comfort.


I saw a political ad put out by a Republican Super PAC thanking Senator Kyrsten Sinema for her continued support of the Republican agenda in Congress.

Of course, Senator Kyrsten Sinema is a Democrat, but that apparently was just a ploy to ride coattails or something. She was voted into office before we moved to Arizona. When her term is up I’m really, really hopeful something challenges her in the primary and gets her off the ballot. She hasn’t done much of anything good for society. She voted against a federally minimum wage, she didn’t show up to vote on the January 6 commission, and she continues to side with the Republicans when it comes to the filibuster.

But she dresses up in hip wigs and cool skirts, so we’re suppose to think she’s edgy and hip.

She’s not. She’s just another corporately sponsored politician in Washington and she’ll do what she’s told to do by the highest bidder.


I always thought Texas wanted to secede from the United States because they have they’re own little country going on down there, with their own rules, big hair, big trucks, and quite frankly, too many people with shit for brains.

I could easily go on a long rant about how stupid and idiotic things are in The Lone Star state. The whole loss of electricity last winter. The rampant COVID-19 blowing through the population. Now they’ve set up a citizens tattling system where any citizen can sue anyone involved with a suspected abortion after the first six weeks of pregnancy. The Uber driver, the doctor, the security guard at the clinic, the woman, the man, hell, probably even the fetus. No evidence is required, just an anonymous tip to a website and if the accused doesn’t show up they default to guilty and $10K in fines are some other such nonsense. Feels like McCarthyism with a more sadistic twist to me. Anyone that thinks this is a good idea is out of their god damn mind.

Of course, the tainted Supreme Court of the United States ruled to let the new stay while they figure things out because Trump, McConnell, and the fucktard set put judges on the bench that have no right or merit to be there. The Supreme Court, as it is today, is a joke and if they weren’t so dangerous with their idiocy I couldn’t care less what they had to say.

This is a huge step in order to nullify Roe v Wade, and if anyone thinks the idiots on the Supreme Court are going to protect anything like gay rights or voter rights or anything else that isn’t man at work-wife in the kitchen-and 2.5 children-only white thank you, you’re an idiot too.

I’m sure that busted up old hag in Maine (Susan Collins) is very concerned. Of course the lobster fucktards up there voted her back in because they’re stupid and probably dying of butter poisoning because we all know lobster is nothing more than a butter delivery system. Meanwhile, in Arizona we’re stuck with some fuckwit (Kyrsten Sinema) that dresses up in skirts and wigs and does cutsie dances while denying people a raise in minimum wage.

But I’m not going to rant.


The counts have been projected for all 50 states of the union at Joe Biden is projected to get 306 electoral college votes and is the next President of the United States. Unless, of course, Trump resigns early so Pence pardon him, and then Biden slides into the role as #47. With the topsy turvy asshattery of the Trump administration, who knows what will happen. But despite all the hand wringing and fake lawsuits and use of CAPS LOCK to denote FACTS and TRUTH in tweets and the like, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have 306 votes and will be the next President and Vice President.

Trump cheerleader Kellyanne Conway talked about a 306-232 victory in 2016 and said it best.

It is my ultimate wish to never hear from her or her ilk again. I’m hopeful the Trumps and their cult followers will go back under the rocks they used to live under and we’ll get back to building a better United States. Of course, this is a pie in the sky fantasy, but the important thing is that Biden will be President and that signals that better times are ahead for us.

I think Joe Biden was the best realistic choice for the 2020 Presidential Election. I hope his message of unity and reconciliation will reach those that need to hear it. But at least the hopefully worse part of this nightmare is coming to an end.