
Portland, Maine.

Portland, Maine.

Originally uploaded by macwarriorny.

Earl and I have a road atlas that we picked up a couple of years ago. While its growing further and further out of date, there is an important list of noted in the front. Using the contents page, which lists all 50 states, we keep track of the states that we’ve been in and those we still need to visit to complete the list. Our checked lists have been unbalanced because I have been in one state that Earl hasn’t.

So tonight we’re spending the night in Portland, Maine.

Always looking for a good trip, I’ve been planning three different trips that are relatively local to our home. So I’ve thinking about driving to Maine for the past couple of days and while doing research on good barbecue, I ran across Beale Street Barbeque, which has three locations in Maine. I mean after all, when you’re looking for some good barbecue, one naturally thinks of New England.

So after a five and half hour drive, here we are. The barbecue joint was *wonderful* and is highly recommended. Afterwards we went and caught “X-Men: The Last Stand”. While we both enjoyed the movie, we didn’t think it was as good as the first two.

Downtown Portland seems to be pretty hoppin’, we’re going to go check it out again before calling it a night.

Memorial Day.

Today is one of those days that I like at work, everyone is gearing up for the long Memorial Day weekend and basically in “maintenance mode”. Half of the people in the office have taken the day off, the other half are doing what needs to get done and then keeping busy with important projects like interjecting comments on the American Idol message board, checking the progress of ebay auctions and searching for a new computer for my their mother on Retrobox. Naturally these are all arbitrary examples that I am unfamiliar with.

Memorial Day has been set aside to remember those that have died in our nation’s service. There are thousands and thousands of men and women that have passed on while fighting for the American Way. While researching Memorial Day on the internet, I found this site which outlines the history of Memorial Day, including it’s official birthplace of Waterloo, New York, not too far west from here. Before reading this I thought Waterloo was cool for being in the famed Finger Lakes and having a big outlet shopping center.

I’ve often wondered why we celebrate Memorial Day by buying cheap refrigerators and low-priced automobiles. At least that’s what the advertisements would have you believe; screw the family picnics and whatnot, you need to get your butt out there and buy something now! I mean, nothing says “remember our fallen heroes” like a cheap Datsun. (Notice the use of an obsolete car manufacturer’s name in order to avoid complaints. I’m so clever.) I mean, does attending a parade through town honor those that have served followed by attending the memorial service at the local cemetary and then going to Montgomery Ward (still clever) for a discounted microwave all go hand-in-hand? “One of these things just doesn’t belong…”, I believe is how the song goes.

Anyways, no matter how you celebrate Memorial Day this weekend, let’s all just take a brief, reflective moment and thank the diety of your choosing for blessing us with the life we have and remembering those that have served our country to make it better.

Then we all can dig into the ribs and baked beans at the family picnic.



Originally uploaded by macwarriorny.

It’s a gorgeous day here in Upstate New York. Sunshine filled sky, temperatures near 80, it’s all revving up for a beautiful Memorial Day weekend.

Get out there and enjoy the day!

Waking Up Is Hard To Do.

It’s 6:29 a.m. I’m on the brink of cowering in fear under the sheets and blankets, knowing that any second the alarm is going to go off, signaling the fact that I need to get out of bed. Being the freak geek that I am, the alarm clock is set to the atomic standard, so it’s right in sync with the local NPR station. The alarm goes off just as their joyous news music kicks in and “This in NPR News, I’m Jean Cochran…” blares out of the 15 year old device.

I’ve been semi-awake for the past 29 minutes as Earl got out of bed at 6:00, stirring Tom, who has been pawing at my face and making noises that sound like he’s been strangled; it’s his way of saying that he’s hungry.

“Shut up! Stop making noise! Leave for work! Don’t you have a breakfast meeting?” my brain screams as I muster all my energy to make an effort to be civil in the morning as I say, “Good morning sweetheart.” I even manage a weak smile. Truth of the matter is, it’s not Earl’s fault that I have to get up and go to work at this ungodly hour of 8:00 a.m. I could easily abandon this lunacy and get a real job as a greeter in a 24 hour Wal*Mart Supercenter, but no, I go for the challenge of a normal workday.

Still trying to be civil, I stumble into the bathroom to do my thing, which makes Tom utter more strangling noises. I tell him “I’m using my litterbox”, trying to use familiar terms for His Impatientness, but he doesn’t care. There’s kibble to be poured.

After putzing around the house and catching up on e-mail and whatnot for a half hour or so, I find the sanctity of the shower. The water is like magic as it washes away the waking crankies. While I won’t be truly awake until after lunchtime, at least I feel like I’m able to make an effort now.

One Of The Guys.

As I was looking at old pictures the other night, I came across this photo from sometime between 1978 and 1980.. It was taken at the local airport where my dad was taking flight lessons at the time. All the guys pictured in this photo had had their weekly flight lesson with the local instructor (in the yellow shirt) as they worked toward their private pilot’s license. A little young for a flight lesson, but always eager to fly, I had sat in the pilot’s seat of the Cessna 150 pictured and had flown the plane with the flight instructor riding along and making sure I kept the plane in the air. He didn’t touch the wheel at all and helped me handle the plane when the stall warning horn went off on take-off.

We didn’t crash.

I vividly remember this picture being taken and feeling for the first time in my life that I was just one of the guys.


One of Earl’s recent favorite stories about me is our dining experience in Martinsburg, West Virginia back in March. Long story short, we went for a long ride and ended up in Martinsburg. We set up shop in a Hampton Inn with the promise that we would go out exploring after supper, even if that meant driving the two hours to D.C. to hit a real bear bar or something.

We ended up going to the neighboring Texas Roadhouse, where there was an hour wait. An hour later, I was pretty sloshed on three beers and eating BBQ ribs, complete with BBQ ribs sauce in my beard and up my sleeves to my elbows. At least I didn’t pinch anyone’s ass while I was there. I do have some shred of decency.

Needless to say, Earl deposited me on the hotel bed at 9:30 where I basically passed out and he surfed the internet on the hotel wireless connection. Viva la Martinsburg.

The reason I mention this story is because I am having a hankerin’ for some real BBQ food. Having had a couple of wonderful BBQ experiences while on vacation earlier this month, I’ve been obsessing about slugging a few beers and eating at a roadhouse where you can throw your peanut shells on the floor and country music is blaring from the speakers. I’m thinking of something safe but a little seedy. A cowboy or two as an accessory would be most welcomed.

There’s no such place here. Bummer. I had my hopes up over the weekend when we went to a new local place, the “Route 69 Steakhouse and Saloon” (now _that_ sounded seedy to me but it’s really on Route 69) but while the food was quite good, it was way too tame and the menu had an overly Italian slant for my tastes. I couldn’t throw peanut shells on the floor because, well, there were no peanuts to be found and more importantly it would have messed up the carpeting.

I think this weekend’s “one frivilous meal” is going to be at type of place I’m looking for. Even if I have to drive to Martinsburg, W. Va. to find it.

A Song, Some Memories and a Heavy Chevy.

The human memory is an amazing thing. It really is if you think about it. They say that every thought, every experience, every scent, every feeling is stored away neatly in that abyss we affectionally call “gray matter”. It’s all just a matter of accessing what we’ve tucked neatly away; it’s all categorized, indexed and stored, waiting for something to trigger it’s retrieval so that we can relive a fleeting moment, recall a past experience or tell an ancedote to party guests.

For me, there’s a certain era of pop music that triggers some very happy memories from my childhood. One of the songs of the era is “One Of These Nights” by the Eagles. Not only was I fascinated by the backing vocals of the song, but it seems we always heard it on the AM radio that would play away in the family car.

The year was 1975. It was fall and after the change back to standard time but still early enough in the season that it wasn’t terribly cold outside for a Sunday night in Upstate New York. The four of us, my mom and dad and my sister and I had piled into my dad’s ’71 Heavy Chevy in the driveway of 233 Ridge Ave., the home of my maternal grandparents. Notice I said “my dad’s” ’71 Heavy Chevy. Even though it was the family car it really was his car, a proud symbol of a hard working man in his late 20s, having already been married almost 10 years with two young kids in tow. My mom couldn’t even drive the car as she couldn’t drive a stick (though she did conquer it a year or so later). We drove through the suburban streets of Syracuse, aimed for I-81 north and started the 45 minute journey home. As sort of an established family rule I sat behind my mom, Jennifer was situated behind dad. Not a lot was spoken but we all seemed very content. Like so many Sunday night drives of the same route before, we followed Route 81 with 62 WHEN playing on the radio as I watched the lights of jets landing at Hancock Airport.

About half way home as we crossed the “Brewerton Bridge” I would get a little antsy, the lights of the jets long forgotten and the straight section of 81 near Cicero, framed by powerlines, left behind as we rolled along the concrete highway. For some reason those powerlines fascinated me. I amused myself by making hand gestures in the darkness of the backseat, oddly giddy with the fact that I couldn’t see the gestures I was making because it was so dark. Darkness fascinated me. Dad would turn on the highbeams and the blue “BRIGHTS” light would illuminate on the dash. Mom would cough a little bit, a by-product of the whooping cough she had as a child. Jenn and I would play a now forgotten game and giggle a little. It’s funny but I don’t remember fighting a lot with my sister. I would roll down the back window just an inch or two and smell the autumn air. I thought I was being so clever, rolling down the window and not ever asking permission. It was like nobody even noticed. They’d never know if I just rolled the window a little bit for fresh air.

For some reason I can recall those trips as if they were yesterday. Jennifer would fall asleep around the Parish exit, just as dad lit his one cigarette for the trip home. Mom would cough a little as dad cracked his window open just a bit to let the smoke out.

As I think back on those trips I remember being so happy. Not that I’m unhappy today; quite the contrary. But I can look back at myself at that time and see so many beginnings of what I am today. I’m still amused by rides in the dark. I always turn the dashlights down very low so that I can make gestures in the dark. I’m fascinated by the powerlines that still stand along I-81 near Cicero. I watch jets land at Syracuse Airport. I play little games in the car with Earl.

And “One Of These Nights” plays on the radio.


This is the one picture I could find of dad’s Heavy Chevy when it was still intact. (That’s me in the white hat doing the odd pose). The Heavy Chevy left our family on February 22, 1978 when Mom, Jennifer and I were driving home from grandma and grandpa’s. A truck that was over clearance regulations had wedged itself under a bridge near I-81 milepost 109. It was snowing. We were stopped, the second to last vehicle in a line of traffic waiting for the truck to be moved so traffic could pass under the bridge. Being on a curve and a downhill, a tractor trailer came around the corner and unaware of the traffic snarl, backended the line of cars. About five minutes prior to the accident, Mom had asked me to move from the center of the back seat over to the passenger side. When I did, I had put on my seatbelt. Had I not moved, I would have been seriously injured as the tractor trailer and Pinto behind us rammed into the back of the car, folding the roof like a sardine can. My sister hit the windshield. My mother had a huge cut across her head where the roof had folded up and hit her. I was rammed into the front seat. We all survived. But the Heavy Chevy didn’t, it was done.

Dad opted for a new ’78 Impala Sport Coupe after the Heavy Chevy. It had a 350 in it, it was two door and it was a great car. New memories were made in the Impala, gestures were made in the dark and Jenn fell asleep near the Parish exit.

And “One Of These Nights” played on 62 WHEN.

Still Ready.

For a Monday with very little sleep behind it, I must say that I’m a little hyper today. I haven’t had any tea or soda (yet) and I don’t drink coffee, but I’m running around the office with a pep in my step and ready to take on the world.

Well, I’m not in the mood to take on the world but I fake it well. I wonder if I’m driving my co-workers crazy. I did refrain from pinching the freshly shaven cheeks of a normally bearded co-worker. I thought that might have been crossing a boundary of some sort. I do find many bearded men very hot, but not in the workplace. Well, they’re hot in the workplace but I don’t talk about it because it would make everyone involved blush and then it’d be awkward and goodness knows it all is already awkward and I sure don’t need to help it along with more, uh, awk.

Earl and I have had a change of plans for tonight which sort of presents a “clean slate” ripe for activities and I’m in the mood to do something. Anything. You know, I’ve never been to the movies on a Monday night before, maybe we could do that! I’ve been dying for popcorn.

With this last bout of on-call behind me, I’m eager to get out and do something, anything, that doesn’t involve sitting in front of a computer and listen to customers inquire about the “beep, beep, beep that goes in my phone.” When I inquired about what kind of beep she was referring to, she got haughty when I accused her of not knowing what a busy signal was. I wanted to show her what the click of a hang-up was, but come to find out she got one of those newfangled push-button phones and she didn’t realize she it would make noise when she pushed the buttons.


Oh, and while I’m thinking of it, I have to say Happy Birthday to Terry. {insert smiling face and waving hand here} Oh, a belated happy birthday to Karl.

I think that’s the first shout out I’ve ever done in my five years of blogging. Maybe not. I guess I don’t really care whether it is or not. I’m too busy planning this week’s social calendar.


Here it is Sunday evening. Earl is out playing poker with his buddies and I’m sitting in front of the computer. After a fairly quiet on-call day yesterday, today has kept me rather busy. That’s kind of odd for a Sunday, usually Sunday is the quiet day.

I’ve learned a lot of computer skills today as I’ve been messing around with web pages and such. We’ve cleaned and organized the house. I didn’t conquer the doorbell installation, but we did some other projects that needed to be done so I feel like we’ve accomplished something.

I know that I’m ready to get out and enjoy some social activity. After being on call for a week and thinking about little outside of work, I’m ready to get out and do something. Last night Earl and I went to a local steakhouse for supper but unfortunately all I could think about was the pager on my belt and how I would tactfully take care of work while sitting in a restaurant.

I guess I’m feeling antsy today. I’m ready for the clouds to clear, the summer breezes to start up and the pager to be shut off.

Very soon, very soon….


I jumped on the scale this morning and discovered something quite remarkable. I’ve met my weight goal. On January 1, I weighed in at 208 lbs. This morning I weighed 170.

I have to admit I’m quite pleased.

I haven’t been able to get to the gym this past week because of work, I’m looking forward to getting back into the routine this coming week.

Now to keep everything in balance!