
Another Blast.

The National Weather Service is promising us another blast of winter this week. This should prove to be interesting.


It’s a good thing I bought two gas cans full of fuel for the snowblower. It sounds like I’m going to need it.


I’ve been doing pretty well with my good health efforts since the beginning of the year. The change in pace from becoming a student has been beneficial in that I feel more active and more awake than I have in years. I don’t if it’s because I’m not sitting behind a desk all day anymore or if it’s because I’m actually thinking rather than going through the motions of a job, but I feel like I’m cooking with gas. The scale hasn’t flown across the bathroom in a couple of weeks as it’s spinning up the right numbers when requested.

However, I feel like I’ve put this streak of good health into jeopardy with the baking of double-chocolate brownies last night. There was a mix in the cupboard, I was in the mood to bake, so viola, instant decadance. I’m sitting here at the kitchen table eating some soup for lunch and all I can think about are brownies. I bet I could sit down and eat the entire pan of brownies and not leave one morsel behind. There’s something so comforting about brownies. I don’t know if it’s because they smell so good or invoke memories of grandma’s homemade brownies after school but my goodness they are screaming out my name.

I will be strong, I will be strong, I will be strong.

I’m going to slice off one little piece for dessert and then muster up all the will power I can to leave it at that. I’m sure the scale will thank me for it later.

Slow Progress.

Earl and I continued our work in the basement today. We are now getting his space ready so he can move his office down into the cellar. Then we won’t have to rely on instant messenger to communicate, as he’s currently upstairs in one of the spare bedrooms and I’m in the basement.

Such a technolife we lead.

No home improvement project is complete without a visit to Home Depot or Lowe’s so today we chose the former. When all is said and done I think I’ll be ready to wire the electric service for an entire house, as we were able to install two new receptacles, complete with surface wire molding and tie it into the house current in less than 30 minutes. They say opposites attract, and that must be true, because Earl and I have completely opposite ways of approaching a project, but after almost eleven years of doing this, we have a system that works for both of us.

One of the changes that came about was the relocation of my favorite clock from my school clock collection.


This clock is from my elementary school. Back in 2000 the school district replaced all the clocks by popping out the face, glass and hands and bolting a new clock on top of the wood casing. This clock had been removed for a remodeling project and wasn’t reinstalled, so they offered it to me when they found out I was a collector of these clocks. From what I’ve been able to find out, the clocks in my elementary school were custom designed for that school (there’s no documentation anywhere and this particular style clock hasn’t been found anywhere else to my knowledge) so this could be the last clock left completely intact. It’s rather loud when it advances, so those that sleep in the spare bedroom will be glad that it’s been moved to a new location.

We are traveling to the Big Apple next weekend, so the home improvement project will have to be on hold until after the flooring for the locker room/office arrives.

Cabin Fever Saturday.


It always comes around these parts at this time of year. The snow keeps falling. The snowblower keeps blowing. And the natives get surly while they’re snug in their homes waiting for the sun to shine once again. We call it “cabin fever”.

Earl and I spent the day moving furniture and cleaning around the house. It hasn’t been the most exciting weekend we’ve had together, but at least it’s been productive. I’ve been out of work for 42 days so I thought I should unpack the box of my belongings from my old desk. Hence the photo of the very technical piece of telecommunications equipment pictured above. There is an antiquated piece of equipment called a “reflectometer” which was used to troubleshoot the telephone network. Back in my on call days we had a customer that would call us and tell us that we needed to use one of them on his phone lines. I would just agree with him and clock the overtime. When I mentioned at the office that I didn’t know what this customer was talking about, this was on my desk. It was a gift from a co-worker a couple of years ago. It was used to monitor how pissed I was becoming while providing technical support. It’s now part of my new office in our basement.

Perhaps I should shine it on the lawn and melt some of this snow.



Originally uploaded by macwarriorny.

The moving into the new “creative space” continues this weekend. I had to pause for a moment to show off my “Ray Of Light” platinum CD, complete with my name on the bottom. “Presented to commemorate RIAA certified multi-platinum sales of more than 3,000,000 copies of the Warner Brothers Record cassette and C.D. ‘Ray of Light'”.

I know every radio station gets these, but this one at least has my name on it.

Clean Driveway.

Clean Driveway.

Originally uploaded by macwarriorny.

I made a promise to myself today. The next time Earl and I are househunting we are only looking at houses on dead end streets. Actually, as an aspiring civil engineer I’ve come to learn that there are groups out there trying to abolish the term “Dead End” on road signs because it’s too negative sounding. Apparently the city folks that are moving out to the country are depressed by reading signs that say “Dead End”. They prefer “No Outlet”, which doesn’t necessarily mean “dead end” but it’s happier sounding to them. I say get your ass back to the other side of the bridge where you belong and mind your own business.

But I digress.

Cleaning out the driveway has become an almost twice a day event this week. At last measurement (as seen by my handy posts in this photo above) we were just shy of three feet of snow covering our lawn. While the folks in my native northern Oswego County have over twice as much, I’m rather impressed with the amount of snow that we’ve been blessed with. The National Weather Service has just issued another Winter Storm Warning for our area, we could see up to two more feet of snow by late Sunday night.

It’s a good thing I don’t mind running the snowblower!

The reason I want to live on a dead end street in the future is so I don’t have to keep stopping to let every car pass in fear of hitting them with snow/rocks/grass/etc with the snowblower. In addition, I feel like I’m taking my life in my hands as these idiots in vehicles entirely too large for them to handle are bombing down our road like it’s the Indy 500. The roads are snow covered with a generous amount of ice underneath. There’s a bit of sand courtesy of the county highway department to help provide traction, but for goodness sake people, slow down! If there’s a game out there where you earn points for hitting people shoveling or snowblowing, I’m not playing as one of the pawns.

Shut Up Billy.

Here in Upstate New York we have a car dealership that sort of exploded in the past ten years and has opened several mammoth dealerships all over the state. He carries every car brand imaginable this side of the AMC Pacer. I’m not going to name his dealership by name as I don’t want to lend a hand in free advertising on his behalf, but his trademark is that “it’s huge”, in the most gutteral, annoying, uneducated belch of words possible. He has pretty much become the Wal*mart of the auto dealer set.

He is as annoying as hell.

First of all, the public is constantly barraged with his image. Everywhere. There’s a huge billboard on Interstate 81 in Syracuse with the word “huge”, his ugly mug and his arms spread wide like some sort of manic bird. He has a clock up there and it’s never right. Since stationary images are never enough, Centro, the regional transportation agency, has sold advertising space to him. So naturally you would think that his picture is on the back and/or sides of the bus. Wrong. The buses are completely wrapped in his image, forcing riders that must ride the bus and care to look out the window to do so by gazing through his hairy nostril or around his hairy armpit. Those in the back look through his teeth.

It’s disgusting.

As I’ve mentioned countless times, I worked in radio for over a decade. I’ve always been a fan of radio. However, I will not listen to a station that runs his ads. I don’t care if they are playing a string of Kylie Minogue, Madonna and The Pet Shop Boys constantly, if you stop the music for one of his commercials, your station is promptly on the SL and it’s staying there until XM or Sirius falls out of orbit. Now he doesn’t buy one ad to run four or five times a day like most sane organizations. No. This guy purchases one or two 60 second slots per break (what we in the industry called stop sets) and then barks out his “huge” numerous times and talks to some announcer shill guy named Tom over the phone. Tom acts like he’s at the car lot and Billy is out finding new deals for his buyers. Cluephone boys, we know that Tom is in some cushy studio in Florida and Billy is actually at one of his many dealerships barking over a speakerphone, because we’ve also heard Tom on spots in New Orleans, Orlando and Atlanta and they weren’t with you Billy. How does that make you feel, knowing that Tom is chatting it up with other car dealers too? He’s a manwhore.

I have now come to the point where I will terrorize a driver with a car with the little license plate frame that tells the name of this dealership. It is beyond my comprehension why any self-respecting person would make the largest or second-largest purchase of their life with this idiot.

When Earl and I travel, I take a certain comfort in knowing that Auto Idiot will be left behind and it’s safe to listen to the radio. But no, now he’s in Niagara Falls, he’s in Albany and god knows where else. I think the only way to escape him is to go to the other side of the Mississippi.

I wish someone would just tell this guy to shut up, pack up your money and get the hell away from us. We don’t find you cute. We don’t find you articulate. We don’t find you clever and we certainly don’t find you pretty.

Just go away. Please. Oh, the cluephone is ringing again. We know why you keep barking out “huge”. It’s to make up for the more important parts that aren’t so huge.

Comment Whore.

When Earl got home from work I announced to him that I hadn’t started supper but if he didn’t want to go out I could heat up some leftover goulash-bake type stuff that I made last night. It was long on noodles and short on sauce, but still acceptable.

His response was non-commital. At least no profanity was involved.

So we went out for dinner. We went to a restaurant that we hadn’t been to in about a year, it’s a local place called “Casa Too Mucha”. They serve Tex-Mex food with a dollop of Italian and Lenten Friday Fish Fry on the side to keep the natives here happy. We used to be regulars at the place; we’d walk in and the co-owner/hostess would beam at us, give us a hug and have us cut ahead of everyone else in line (declaring loudly that we had reservations when we really didn’t, she said we were a “standing”) so that we could sit in the (whispered) “special customer section” upstairs. Said special section was “kid free” by her choosing and had nice looking male servers. She knew how to keep her gays happy.

Unfortunately, during one visit we had a particularly bad experience with a lot of variables in one equation: we ran into an unpleasant acquaintenance who is still an ass, we had a server that completely bungled our order and to top it all off, the substitute hostess sat us downstairs amongst the common folk by jamming us in a corner. I don’t know what they do in the Catskills, but no one puts Baby in a corner.

So I had a silent hissy fit and placed the restaurant on the SL for a bit. Tonight I decided to forgive and forget and Earl responded with a “Thank God”. Being Wednesday the restaurant was relatively quiet with no need for the selected section upstairs and the pace was much more relaxed. The food was delicious and the smiles were once again beaming.

When the co-owner/hostess came over to visit us, she earned two huge points from me. First of all, she offered to make me strawberry shortcake for dessert because she remembered that I enjoyed that. Yay! Secondly and most importantly, she commented on my mustache and how it looks awesome and that I should “keep it forever”.

Now that’s the way to this bear’s good side.

Ironically, it’s the second comment I’ve received on my mustache today, the first being at school from a younger, full-bearded student who nodded in my direction as we passed in the hall, “Nice bars, dude.” He sounded genuine about it.

When I mentioned to Earl that I rather appreciated the attention I get about my mustache, regardless of whom it’s from, he said “I’ve been telling you that since the last time you wore a mustache like that, but you don’t listen to me.”

I’m listening, I’m listening!

Vanity 1 Humility 0


Body Inspiration.

O.k., I’m going to just come out and admit it. I use this song for working out and the male model as a body to aspire to. I am convinced that with a few extra crunches, some major cardio and cataracts on all parties involved, I might have a body as good as this guy’s someday. Sonia looks like she’d be pretty fun to hang out with as well.
