January 2025

UA 5531

Earl and I are on United flight 5531, en route to O’Hare in Chicago. From there we will fly to Philadelphia. This is so we can attend the memorial service of my (step)mother-in-law.

While the reason for our trip is rather somber, I am looking forward to the trip simply because it’s a change of pace. Our master bathroom has been under reconstruction since the beginning of the year, the news has been overwhelming, and I feel like I’m in my post holiday rut. I’m actively trying to get out of that rut and avoid it as much as possible but I’m also a realist.


I was excited to see the promise of some storms. It ended up being a little wind and a bit of rain, which we desperately need. We’re behind on desert rain levels.

Lucky and Jinx enjoyed the storm clouds with me.


Apple has been touting “Apple Intelligence” hard since last year’s WWDC (Worldwide Developers’ Conference). All the marketing said Apple Intelligence would be available with the release of the iPhone 16 series. It wasn’t released with the new phones but has rather been ‘dribbled’ out to users over the last few months since late October. Apple has stated these releases are in “beta” status, which means they’re not polished, still under active development, etc.

Why a company is hinging its latest and greatest thing on beta software is beyond my comprehension as a software developer. Can you imagine this scenario if we sent astronauts to the Moon using beta software? “I’m sorry folks, we need to reboot the onboard computer due to a glitch, hold your breath for the next 10 minutes while we look into the bugs”.

Beta software being released to the general public has significantly lowered expectations in computer hardware and software and frankly, across society in general. Everyone expects bugs and glitches to be everywhere now.

We live in a society infested with virtual fleas.

I’ve been trying to use the dribs and drabs of Apple Intelligence since their soft release in late October. I’ve let the A.I. sort my email. I’ve smirked at horrible text and mail message summaries. I should have grabbed one particularly funny screenshot, “Mother is making screaming noises”. I believe the actual text had something to do with frustration with an iPhone.

But it’s in beta, so it is what it is.

That’s Apple’s excuse for everything now. Slap a “beta” on the feature and call it a day. If Apple Intelligence were to summarize this approach, “Apple doesn’t really know its direction or platform. Wedging Apple Intelligence into everything. Please stockholders”.

Today I turned off Apple Intelligence across my devices. The ‘feature’ is getting in my way too often. I upgraded my MacBook Air to the latest version of MacOS and now I can no longer do a spotlight search for an application. As a keyboard centric user, if I want to open my web browser I’ve always been able to hit CMD-SPACEBAR, type Firefox, and hit return. Now the top result of that search is a W-2 form from 2020 when I used Firefox to download the associated PDF.

In no way is that intelligent.

When I turned Apple Intelligence off I was warned that Siri would no longer be able to use the advanced features of Apple Intelligence. If what I’ve experienced with Siri since late October is the result of Apple Intelligence, well then Apple needs to just give up the ghost. To put it another way, I often fantasize of hitting a HomePod mini with a baseball bat and watching it fly out into the wash behind the house, but I don’t want to pollute the desert with garbage.

I’ll take my chances with Siri until I move to something a little more intelligent.

I honestly don’t know what Apple is trying to achieve outside of lining the pockets of stockholders these days. Anything that used to make Apple stand out has all but vanished. Yeah, the hardware is excellent but nearly not repairable. For a company that featured the awesome Octavia Spencer as Mother Nature, they seem to be doing everything they can to try to shove Chiffon in her face.

As I finish up this blog entry I am listening to motivational music using Bluetooth headphones connected to my iPhone. The music just abruptly stopped, even though the player shows everything humming along nicely on my iPhone display. I had to restart the app and restart my headphones to get things working again, and even then Bluetooth seemed to struggle.

Bluetooth has been around for only a few decades, so perhaps it’s still ‘beta’.

I gripe about Apple more than I praise them these days and I’m not ashamed of this. It’s warranted.

I don’t want Apple Intelligence and I’m pretty sure anyone reading this doesn’t want it either. With the latest AI (LLM) models coming out of China and completely spanking the American “AI” industry, I’m hopeful this stupid AI bubble will pop sooner than later.

And that’s smart.


I was just on LinkedIn. For some reason my feed is now populated with political screaming and posturing, which honestly, would stop me from hiring any of the smiling headshots flinging the crap at their wall like so many chimps with so much poop.

I really wish we were living in a society where it was considered rude to be so demonstrative about your religion or politics.

I decided to look at the November 2024 election numbers for the first time. Let’s review.

Per multiple sources, including the University of Florida Election Lab:
* 245 million Americans are eligible to vote

Per fec.gov, the breakdown of votes is this:
* Harris 75,017,613
* Trump 77,302,580
* other 2,918,109

That totals 155,238,302 votes.

So, out of approximately 245,000,000 eligible voters, 37% of those voters were either too lazy, making a stand, or just too overcome with grief over the choices and simply didn’t vote.

So American (he says sarcastically).

Of the votes cast, 1.9% of the voters voted for a third party candidate. Fair, after all, they have the right to vote for whom they want and this was their way of showing they’re taking a stand. I think our two party system absolutely sucks but this wasn’t the election to grab my pearls and vote for someone that had absolutely no chance in hell of winning and furthermore, being part of a 1.9% of voters that think they’re being all high and mighty doesn’t really appeal to me.

It’s a selfish move.

However, even if every third party voter had voted for Harris, she would have won but only by 600,000 votes and we all know that we’d probably still be mired in legal battles. There’d be screaming and gnashing about voter fraud, even though with Trump winning apparently all the voter fraud magically disappeared.

Funny how that happens.

So, while I want to verbally assault one of the 1.9%, not only did their vote NOT make a difference, it probably wouldn’t have made a difference in the long run. They made doubly sure to make sure they don’t matter. Slow hand clap for them.

And look, y’all can vote for whomever you want. But hopefully you realized that a second Trump term was going to be an absolute shitshow and it already is. I’m not a fan of either of the mainstream parties strangling Washington but this was an election where we had to select the most likely candidate to actually win, because the Mango Mushpot option was going to be a revenge campaign. And it is.

No, the ultimate issue with Trump winning is with the approximately 37% of Americans who are too stupid to not do their patriotic duty and vote in the first place. Such good citizens (he says sarcastically). They’re the reason our political discourse is such a crapfest these days. I’ll give a pass to 2% of those non-voting Americans for having a legitimate excuse for not voting. But the rest of them are to blame, just as much as the folks that apparently have no moral foundation and couldn’t possibly bring themselves to vote for a black woman so they voted for a convicted felon with an agenda that could have been printed out by the Taliban but they slapped the word Christian on it and think it’s ‘the way’. Oh, believe me, Kamala Harris is a fine woman and an upstanding citizen. She was probably one of the most qualified candidates to run for president in modern history. However, Joe Biden and all the Democrats completely screwed the country with their approach to the candidacy in 2024. Let me state this plainly: The Democrats are just as much of the problem as the Republicans and their cult. I do not trust the Democrats any more than I trust the Republicans.

But that 37% of Americans that didn’t vote? The words I have are not nice.


I’m looking at old blog posts, because that’s something I do once in a while. This has prompted me to revisit one of my favorite songs of all time. From 1996, here’s BT with “Remember”. The video version doesn’t do the entire track justice, look it up from the album “ESCM” as well.

As I peruse through my old blog entries, this selfie that I had completely forgotten about popped up. This is me 10 years ago, and honestly, it’s when I probably felt the best about myself.

It’s interesting to be able to read my own musings from a decade or two ago and then realize that it’s all right here, in the blog, and other people can read it as well. My thoughts are so much the same in most ways but different in other ways.

It’s a shame that most of the musings from the vast majority of people on the Internet will be lost to corporate greediness faster than you can say “but her emails”. And all in less than 280 characters, no less.


Picture of a smiling middle aged man sitting behind his laptop. He's looking at the camera. The laptop takes up most of the photo. It has a black cover with a Linux Tux sticker over the Microsoft logo. There's a Starbucks cup to the side.

I’m sitting in the local Starbucks enjoying a pour over coffee while doing some writing. There are several people working on their computers here in Starbucks. This location is fairly new and is our favorite Starbucks in the area.

I always find it interesting that folks come to Starbucks to sit and work on their computer while wearing headphones or earbuds. Unsurprisingly, I’m exactly the opposite in this regard and I find that Starbucks (or something similar) is one of the few places I can write or work without either being in complete silence or wearing my earbuds playing lyric-free music and/or binaural beats.

I’m here to enjoy people watching just as much as writing in an environment outside the home.

I could be sitting outside, as there’s a covered patio area adjacent to the parking lot and drive thru lane. It was added after this Starbucks was built and it really feels like an afterthought, but they’ve made it work. There’s a bike rack and everything.

Not a lot of people walk around this part of Tucson. After all, for much of Tucson, if it’s not in a strip mall or similarly fashioned shopping center, it’s not in Tucson.

Earl frequents this Starbucks much more than I do, what with him being retired and all. He tells me they have completed rotated the staff at this location from another location and the folks here don’t have the same vibe as the original gang when the store opened. I get that. They seem a bit more harried than the folks that opened this spot.

Still, I’m enjoying the experience.


I’m trying to read more books. I’ve always enjoyed reading book; it’s been a long while since I’ve read anything close to fiction or something of that nature. I’m leaning toward books on philosophy and such.

At the end of 2024 I was trying to read books using Apple Books or Kindle on my aging iPad Mini. The experience was less than enjoyable for me. It’s probably the Gen-Xer in me but I prefer holding an actual book in my hand. I am thankful for the used bookstore chain Bookmans here in Tucson. I’ve mentioned my delight for Bookmans before.

One of the latest additions to my library is “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith (further information here on Goodreads). Remaining steadfast in my beliefs, calming down irrational emotional responses, and not keeping an even keel around things I can not control are all areas I wish to improve upon in 2025. Reading this book is a positive step in this direction. I’ve read good reviews about this book; I was excited to see it at the local Booksmans, as it was not available at Barnes and Noble.

Buying used books is better for the environment, anyway.

Last year we bought a chair for my office so I could have a place away from my computer desks to get comfortable to read a book. While Truman has adopted this chair a portion of his daily catnap needs, I’m looking forward to settling in and doing some reading.

It helps keep the incoming chaos and ensuing rise in my blood pressure under control.


Moby from the good ol’ blogging days stated how I feel these days:

I try not to get upset over things I can’t control, but it is a struggle. The next 4 years are going to be hard for a lot of us. Know that contrary to some of the public commentary, your value is not diminished due to ignorance, hatred, and bias. We certainly will not be silent, and we are not going away.

Happy birthday to Moby, by the way.

One of my biggest struggles with contemporary American society in general is composed of two parts. These two parts strike my two biggest pet peeves: 1. People being willfully ignorant and 2. People that can’t get their shit together.

It seems that too many U.S. citizens revel in both of these things. Watching politicians on all sides of the aisle kowtow to the lowest common denominator makes my head want to explode.

This approach is found in everything. We have warnings not to drink the ink out of the printer cartridge. We now have flashing yellow arrows to tell us not to run over a pedestrian or slam into an oncoming car when waiting to turn left. We have media that tells folks what they want to hear instead of presenting the actual facts.

If it doesn’t have entertainment value, it’s not worth the ad clicks. Americans don’t want to be informed, they want to be entertained.

It’s very hard for me not to get depressed while trying to be informed. I honestly like I’m going to end up navigating the remaining 99.6% of the idiot’s time in the White House in a constant “low power mode”.

My battery is about shot.




Truman continued to be stationed under one of my desks during the workday this week. I made him a little space that he finds most cozy.

"An orange tabby cat curled up and sleeping on a stack of folded towels and a shirt under a wooden standing desk. The scene shows a tidy workspace with visible power cords and a tiled floor."