
I wasn’t even 10 minutes through the first meeting of the day when I realized that I was starting to feel way too stressed on a Monday morning. Since my meetings start at 07:00, this was not a good precedent for the work day, let alone the work week.

I stepped away from my office desk for a few moments, hugged my husband, and gave Truman some nice pets. He wanted treats. This improved my mood.

A few more things happened at work and I decided it was time to take a few moments and just let my brain reset. Enter my daily dose of Solitaire.

After getting through a couple of goals, I’m feeling better.

Sometimes I have to step back to improve my mental state instead of just trying to plow through the situation. I’m sure the afternoon will be quite productive and ultimately I will have a productive work week.

It’s good to remember to breathe once in a while.