March 31, 2017


Sleet is pelting against our windows. The wind is whipping. The creek in the backyard is barely holding its own within the confines of its banks. 

Ah, the joy of spring in Central New York. 

My kindergarten teacher, a woman by the name of Mrs. Mosher, once told us how March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. I never really understood what that was suppose to mean since we’d often have snow on the ground and how in the world were lambs suppose to do their spring like thing if there’s snow on the ground? Of course, Mrs. Mosher also told my parents that I was probably mentally retarded and wouldn’t amount to much. My mother resisted the urge to show her my consistently top notch report card for the first few years of my primary years. I didn’t color in the lines. I didn’t really want people around me that much, I tended to play alone and in my own little world, I burped in appropriately and one time I was spied drinking out of the sink in the bathroom because I was thirsty and asking for a drink of water and I was told that it wasn’t time to drink water. Oh, one more lingering nugget of kindergarten fun, I would never stay on my rug during nap time. Do children still take naps in kindergarten?  I was always thankful we didn’t have bomb raid drills during nap time, though looking back it would have made sense because in our school you were to get under your group table and put your nap rug over the back of your head. I can remember it like it was yesterday. They called them bomb raid drills but I think we were doing nuke drills, because there was a fairly new nuclear plant not too far away at the time.  In first grade we just sat under our desk during these drills. I was so thankful that the desk was going to save me from a bomb.

As the spring time sleet and wind pelted the house last night I dreamed of a high school classmate (actually she was a year behind me) that I knew only casually. No idea why I dreamed about her but I stalked her on Facebook to see if she is still alive and she is. She hasn’t changed much in 30 years, either! Good for her.  She was just there in the dream. Nothing of real significance.

I am anxious for real spring-like weather to get here. I went flying last night and it felt a little spring like, though the delay in spring weather is probably good for my last two weeks of recovery from my surgery.

But I’ll be happy when I can go outside and enjoy the warmth of the sun on my face.