September 16, 2009

Local Commentary.

Everyone is going on and on and on about health care in the U.S. these days and this guest column in the local newspaper caught my eye this morning.

Here is the link.1

There is a LOT of misinformation out there about how the Canadian health care system works. This guest commentary explains it well based on the experience of the writer. I know my sister and I talked briefly about her experiences with the Canadian health care system when I visited her last week and she mentioned a 2 1/2 hour wait at a clinic. I didn’t mention it then, but I got to thinking about it and that’s not really any different than Earl sitting in an emergency room for three hours waiting for his opportunity to see a doctor.

Personally I think many in the U.S. have lost their minds since President Obama took office and much of the controversy has revolved around health care. I believe there is a lot of misinformation out there that is being perpetuated by those opposed to any change suggested for the U.S. health care system. I don’t know if it’s ignorance, a fear of change or just plain ol’ stupidity, but I have found watching or reading the news to be so irritating lately that I have resorted to reading a handful of news outlets (of varying views and locations) to find out what’s going on with this mess.

1 Even though I find the local newspaper to be uneven at best with it’s journalism skills, I still read it on a daily basis because I believe that we have a responsibility to know what’s going on in our community.