May 26, 2005

Pulaski, Va.

I’m finding myself reading more and more blogs these days. I’m not too interested in the technical blogs that basically track the development of software or anything like that. No, I like reading the juicy stuff.

There are thousands of blogs out there. It’s refreshing to read about someone else’s life, especially when you feel like you’re so wrapped up in your own life that you forget there’s a whole world out there. Like when I was a little kid, I lived in Pulaski, N.Y. I wondered if there was another kid in Pulaski, Va., that was experiencing the same types of trials and tribulations that I was. I mean, this fictitious kid lived in a different town with the same name. Heck, it was even off of Interstate 81. Did he know he was different than most of the kids around him? Did he enjoy playing the tuba? Did he have a dog named Sunshine? Did he have to load hay in the barn in June? Was he looking at a map and wondering about me in Pulaski, N.Y.?

When I was in elementary school, one of the teachers encouraged us to find a pen pal and write letters back and forth. It was kind of dorky but it was cool at the same time. You got to chat with someone else that didn’t know about the latest scandal at grade school. They were peering in from the outside in a way. Now it’s easy, you can read blogs and whatnot on the internet and see that you’re not going at it alone. Heck, you can read the blog of someone at literally the end of the earth and see what they’re up to at the North Pole. Let’s see you get a pen pal letter to the North Pole for 37 cents!

So I guess reading these blogs is comforting in a way. I hope that someone is enjoying what I have to say as much I enjoy writing it. I wonder if that little kid in Pulaski, Va. grew up to have a blog like I do.

Congratulations Carrie!

Carrie Underwood is the latest American Idol! Congratulations Carrie! Your performance tonight with Rascal Flatts was absolutely outstanding. I look forward to downloading your new album on iTunes very soon!