We Are Just So Lucky.

Kylie Minogue is teaming up with her old production team of Stock, Aiken and Waterman for her next album. Stock, Aiken and Waterman were behind her early hits like “I Should Be So Lucky”, “Especially For You” and the remake of “The Locomotion”. Other tracks they produced include Rick Astley’s first album, including “Together Forever”, “That’s What Love Can Do” by Boy Krazy and Donna Summer’s “This Time I Know It’s For Real”.

“Kylie will never move away from her pop roots but her new tunes will be edgy and a bit dirtier, she is kind of updating pop so that her songs are catchy but not cheesy.”

Now’s that the kind of thing we cheesy DJs like to hear. That we’re obsolete.

Let The Sunshine In.

So my weekend roadtrip is not that far off and I still haven’t decided where I’m going to drive. I think I’m just going to search for sun. This weekend is suppose to be rather rainy up in these parts and I’m not really in the mood to watch it rain while Earl is hanging out in Tampa with his brother, so I think I’m going to find myself some sun. So I’m going to pack some clothes, grab the weather radio and drive in the direction of blue sky, with the intent on being back home Sunday evening so I can ready myself for work and be ready to tackle next week’s on-call head on without stress.

I think it’s going to be interesting and I’m looking forward to the adventure.

I will have my digital camera and PowerBook in tow, so I’ll be posting photos and blogging from the road. I think that’s my favorite aspect of blogging, letting others know that there’s a big, wide, wonderful world out there for everyone to enjoy.

Questions from the Floor.

I’ve installed a new commenting system on here so that I’m not bombarded with spam as I have been in the past. I’m not a huge fan of forcing readers to register in order to leave comments so that’s why I’m going with this new system.

In honor of the new commenting system, I’m inviting anyone that stops by to ask me *anything*. I’ve been commenting on other blogs about the merits of being an openly gay man and this is sort of a test to myself to see if I really am. So feel free to ask me anything. Anything at all.

I’ll answer all questions right here in the blog, for everyone else to see.

Almost Time.

Almost Time.

Originally uploaded by macwarriorny.

Bleary eyed and barely awake, I drove into work this morning in darkness. I’ve griped about how much I hate daylight saving time in the past, and I’m saving my latest rant for when we get closer to the change in a week and a half.

While I love “the dark”, there’s just something wrong about starting your day at work while it’s dark outside.

Clueless, As Usual.

Since I didn’t come home for lunch yesterday and because I had school last night, I am catching up on my daily blog reading this morning. It has been very interesting, and as usual, proves yet again that I am completely clueless about some things as I exist in my own little rosy world.

Apparently some bloggers are accused of plagarizing material from another blogger. They change the names, alter the location, and viola “the very same thing happened to them!”. Word for word! To me that’s just wrong. Now I will admit that I have found other blog entries quite inspiring over the years, inspiring enough for me to write a similar story of something equally as interesting/humorous/etc that happened to me. But the thought of lifting material from another blog without giving the original poster their props has never crossed my mind. I’ve borrowed pictures, I’ve lifted quotes once or twice, but I’ve always directed my gentle reader to whereever I lifted the stuff from.

I guess I’ve never thought of blogging as a competition. But then again, I’ve always lived in my own little existence.


I think I’m going to go ballistic about spam. Lately I’ve been getting several hundred e-mails a day offering me all sorts of pills, potions and other mists and assorted self improvement items. Then we have the wainkers telling me my Key Bank ATM card expired. Of course it did, I closed the account in 1988 when I moved to Massachusetts. It’s funny how these things catch up to you.

I’m thinking of relying solely on the .Mac e-mail account and getting rid of my jpnearl.com e-mail account for a month or two so that I can tell the spam to basically shove off. But then I feel like the spammers have actually won.

Do people really believe these spam messages or are they just out there now to annoy people? I can’t imagine anyone really believing that they can forward an e-mail and get paid by Microsoft for doing it. Hello? Where did Microsoft get your mailing address to send the check? Please people, think before you click. I blame AOL. They’re the ones that brought the internet to the masses with their caps lock nimrods and ridiculous abbreviations. Personally, I don’t believe a single person that says LOL to something I type. I find it hard to believe that they actually laughed out loud. They might have smiled, perhaps giggled, but if I was “LOL” funny I’d be doing stand-up as the warm up act for Rosie O’Donnell or something, not sitting here venting in a blog that probably no one reads.

Spam? Feed it to me, don’t send it to me.


It’s a little after six in the morning and I’m fully showered, dressed and ready to kick off my day. I’m sitting here, in complete darkness save for the light from my computer, still a little dazed from the sound sleep I had last night and the ensuing dreams that accompanied it.

Earl is always amazed when I tell him about my dreams almost every morning. He’s surprised that I can remember most of my dreams. Is that normal? I remember my dreams from almost every night and every catnap I take. Some dreams are very vivid and memorable in their detail. On the other hand some are very foggy, almost as if I had watched the action through a thick haze or participated covered in molasses. Nevertheless, if I can’t remember the detail of the dream, I can remember the impression that it made upon me and how I felt or currently feel because of it.

I think dreaming is the main reason I love sleeping. For me it’s like going to a movie where I’m the star of an infinite number of shows and I have no idea what’s going to be playing on the big screen.

Goodness, I’m weird.


Earl is heading to Tampa this weekend to catch the Eagles game. I was originally suppose to be on-call this weekend, but I swapped with a co-worker to be a nice guy, so I won’t be going to Tampa with Earl.

What to do.

I see a road trip in my future this weekend. A really long road trip so that I can enjoy the Acura before buttoning it up for the winter. I’ve narrowed down my choices to Indiana, Massachusetts or Tennessee. Maybe Maine.

Such decisions to make.