He’s A Feline.

So Sick.

I can’t keep anything other than small sips of water in my stomach. After barfing with mic mute on and the camera off on three of today’s meetings, I decided to take the rest of the day as sick time, cancelled any weekend plans, and am just doing whatever my body wants to do this weekend.

Someone keeps settling in next to me on the couch and on the bed and looking after me in his way.


Truman is glaring at me because this is not his most flattering pose. He was in the midst of a bath when the hooman decided to snap this photo. He said he wants to talk to Barbra’s agent about flattering angles n


Truman likes his routines and schedule. He’s probably taking after me when it comes having a set routine for the day; when I start work in the morning he sits on his cat tree in my office and expects pets, a few tosses of a Nerf ball, and then some treats. He’s down to a minimum number of treats when it’s time to dispense treats, so he doesn’t get to be too big.

After my first round of meetings I usually head upstairs to shave and take a shower, but not until I’ve cleaned out his litter box for the day and given him a couple of his Greenies treats on the small cat tree. If I waver from this activity it is noticed.

I wonder how he manages when the treat dispensing human is not home and instead he’s contending with his other Dad. I’m sure he’s purring away being happy.

It’s just me that he has wrapped around his little paw.


Truman enjoys relaxing in the middle of the floor under the ceiling fan. His typical stance, when he wants to be totally aware of his surroundings, is one paw forward for balance. He seems content.


Family harmony continues to build in the four-legged world of the Desert Compound. Shortly after this photo was taken and nap time was complete, Truman was spotted licking Lucky’s ear and Lucky was fine with it.

This nap time is indicative of the typical vibe amongst the dogs and Truman. Once in a while there’s running around at full speed but for the most part they are pretty chill.

Everyone involved enjoys the cool marble floor at this time of year.


Truman enjoys building forts in his spare time. This week he decided to rearrange all the throw pillows on the bench around the kitchen table and then hide under a certain selection. He has done this since he joined our lives four years ago; many afternoons he can be found burrowed under the blankets on our bed. He’s not one to get under the bed, he prefers being under the blankets.


Truman hangs out in the middle of our suite floor, because there’s a nice breeze from the ceiling fan at this spot. He’s a Casual Cat.


Truman, a ginger cat in the desert, walks along a hallwayTruman started his morning rounds rather late today. In this photo he’s walking along the side our pantry, very catlike, while Lucky dog watches with a casual gaze. Jinx is always paying attention to Truman’s whereabouts, so she had to sit up on the couch to see where he was headed.


Truman is looking quite dapper today. He’s had a bit an adventure; he’s been outside (when he’s not suppose to be outside), he’s been playing with the dogs, and now he’s settled into this cat bed where he’s kneading and purring loudly as I type this.

Life is good in the life of this cat.