

I remember when Dad brought home our first VCR. It was made by General Electric and now that I think about it, had a suspiciously 21st-century Apple-like design to it in a 1980s way. It was made of metal with a black base and went out of it’s way to be user friendly. The VCR tape mechanism popped out the top of the device. It was cool. The first show that we ever taped with the VCR was the Ann Jillian comedy “Jennifer Slept Here”. We recorded it from the over-the-air antenna and watched it 20 minutes after the tape stopped recording.

The very first thing that I discovered about this new fangled device that my father brought into the colonial-themed family room of our home was that, when you used the remote control that was tethered to VCR with a very long cord, you could speed through the commercials that were sandwiched between the reason that we taped the show in the first place. This nifty device could skip each and every commercial if we wanted to put into the effort of getting beyond a blinking 12:00 on the display. This was very cool and exciting.

I have despised ads and commercials ever since.

Fast forward to the present. There are countless ad-supported social networking platforms out there: Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, any and all things Google, the list goes on and on. In many instances, a developer will offer two versions of a mobile app (iPhone, iPad, Android, etc) to access these platforms: a free version that blinks a (hopefully) cute little ad somewhere on the screen and attempts to garner some cash for said social platform, and a paid version of the app, where one pays for the app itself and puts money directly into the pocket of the developer that developed the app, even if it’s the owner of the social networking platform itself.

At the end of last week Twitter released an update to the iPhone version of their official app. While the update took away several goodies, such as the ability to pick your own photo hosting service, it also introduced a new feature called the “Quick Bar”. This bar floats on top of your Twitter feed timeline and displays what’s trending at the moment, usually based on hashtags. The first thing that was displayed in my Quick Bar was “#blackpeoplemovies”.

I don’t care about #blackpeoplemovies.

Twitter states that the Quick Bar (which has since been dubbed the ‘dickbar’ after the COO of Twitter, Dick Somethingorother) is to alert users of what’s hot at the moment. One would hope it would say something like “#peaceinlibya” or “#girlscoutcookiesbeingdelivered” but instead it says something like the aforementioned #blackpeoplemovies or “#OMGbieberissuchagod.”

Now, this new Quick Bar is currently confined to the iPhone version of their app but there are hints that it is going to be included in other versions. Of course, one doesn’t have to use the official Twitter app, in fact, since this release I have opted to go back to Echofon. Echofon is an ad-supported app as well, however, the fine folks that own Echofon have also released a paid version of their app which works quite nicely AND it doesn’t include any ads flashing in our face. This is brilliant and quite frankly, something that Twitter could probably take a cue from. Judging by the rather large backlash against the “dickbar”, Twitter would probably hear a collective sigh of relief if they gave the users of their app the opportunity to either a. hide the dickbar or b. pay for the app and blast the dickbar to oblivion forever and ever amen.

Now I know that quite a few folks have got it in their head that the best way for the Internet to grow and flourish is through ad supported content, but like I did in 1983, someone, somewhere, is always going to find a way to avoid those ads and quite frankly I will do everything I can in my contribution to this experience to make sure that I share as many ways to avoid ads as possible with all my brethren users.

Now, back to Ann Jillian. Would today’s über politically correct society enjoy a show where a teenaged boy found the ghost of a beautiful woman living in his closet? I’m sure there would be some sort of backlash and it would undoubtedly be shoved in my face courtesy of Twitter’s dickbar.



I may have mentioned once or twice that I am a fan of all things Apple and that I would be quite excited if/when the iPhone made it’s debut on Verizon Wireless. I must have mentioned this because when I say something at home about it, I get a blank or irritated look and a mimicked “I don’t care”.


My new iPhone 4 arrived yesterday and yes, it’s a Verizon iPhone. My last iPhone was a 3G, which I got rid of because AT&T didn’t offer 3G service for most of my commute. They have since added some 3G capabilities but I’m quite pleased with Verizon. My Motorola Droid was a good trouper through my first Verizon experience but it didn’t give me that creative feel owning an iPhone does. I know, it’s all in my head. But it’s my head and I can do what I please with it.

When I plugged my iPhone into my Mac last night to activate it, I was delighted to see that it offered to migrate all my settings and apps over from my old iPhone, even though that phone is long gone. So when it got done synchronizing and getting it’s affairs in order, I was looking at a much better looking version of the home screen I had nearly a year ago.

It’s good to be home.

I have already started taking pictures and posting them to Flickr and my blog again. I’ve been tying things together with Flickr talking to this blog, which talks to my Tumblr account, shouts at Twitter and updates the Facebook for me. I think this social networking thing they talk about just might catch on.

Oh, I’m using the new iPhone as my new wireless device while at lunch. So I have a Verizon MiFi device for sale.

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Ah, Flickr, how I have forgotten about thee as of late. I was reading the latest version of Macworld (via the iPad app) and I noticed a review of this app called Flickpad Pro. I enjoy the random browsing experience one can have on an iPad so I decided to give it a try.

Wicked cool. If you have an iPad I recommend the app.

The interface takes your photos, and your contacts as well, and puts them into a stack that you can arrange and tap on to ‘pick it up’ for a closer look. It’s kind of like that Microsoft Surface interface we saw years ago but didn’t seem to go anywhere. An intuitive interface lets you make comments and the like. I just found myself browsing through photos for the past ten minutes when I haven’t looked at Flickr in ages, simply because I didn’t care for the web interface.

I haven’t been posting many photos on Flickr lately but this app, coupled with my impending Verizon iPhone, has inspired me to do so again. I’m thinking I might try a 365 days project again. It keeps me inspired, when I remember to do it.

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


It was 1986 and I was a senior in high school. Having just finished lunch, we were in 5th period Senior High Chorus and as usual, the chorus was being rather cantankerous and rowdy. Mrs. Zentner, the choral director, seemed slightly more distraught than usual. She couldn’t get us to shut up so we could sing so she just barked out, “the shuttle exploded! The shuttle exploded today.”

The room went silent. I felt a lump in my throat like I was going to cry but I didn’t because I didn’t want people to see me cry. So I fought it back.

I don’t remember much of that class but I remember going into my 6th period chemistry class and saying to the teacher Mr. Shafer, “I can’t believe the shuttle exploded.”. Apparently he didn’t know because he jumped up with a start and looked panicked and then turned on the television. We spent the rest of the class watching the coverage of the Challenger Disaster.

For a geek that dreams of the stars, that day is burned in my memory forever. God bless those that lost their lives in the pursuit of exploration and the betterment of mankind.

I can’t believe it’s been 25 years. We will never forget you.

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia.


So today Verizon announced that they will be carrying the iPhone 4 beginning in February. Existing Verizon customers will be able to pre-order the phone on the 3rd while new customers can start on the 10th. I like the love that Verizon is giving their existing customers there.

I am excited about this. As I have mentioned on and off, I switched from an iPhone 3G to the original Motorola Droid last spring because AT&T didn’t offer 3G service for most of my commute and in the city I worked in. The Droid initially performed admirably; the screen was gorgeous, it seemed quite responsive and Verizon’s network made me happy. Unfortunately, my Droid is showing some premature signs of wear; the sliding mechanism doesn’t stay closed so I occasionally pocket dial or take photos of my pocket during the workday. In addition, the keypad has the habit of stuttering more than I do, throwing random letters in succession here and there. But the one thing that the Droid lacks, in my opinion, is the fit and finish of the iPhone. The software isn’t as smooth on the Droid and I have to work more to use the device. When I was using Linux full-time I hoped that I could plug my Droid into the computer and have it sync up with my music program in Ubuntu, but no such luck. We already know that the Droid doesn’t sync with iTunes without the help of DoubleTwist, but even with that program it should be easier than it is.

I must be getting old in my geekdom, because I just don’t want to mess with syncing these things anymore, I just want it to work.

One of the perks of the Verizon iPhone is the built in wifi hotspot. This is wonderful and something not available on my Droid. I will be able to ditch the extra MiFi card and just use my iPhone for my portable wifi hotspot. Brilliant.

Needless to say, I will be switching to the Verizon iPhone on February 3. I am looking forward to that familiar “home” feeling in my mobile device of choice.




I’m sitting in the Jeep enjoying the winter sunshine during my early lunch hour. The screen of my iPad is very reflective, so I thought I was long overdue for a vanity shot.

(Updated 11 Jan 10 1836 EST to actually include the photo, since the WordPress app on the iPad sucks so bad.)


If you are reading this directly on my blog page, you’ll notice that things look a little different on here. I decided to clean up the look of the blog with something a little more simple and hopefully easier to read.

I hope you enjoy the new digs. Please feel free to comment as much as you’d like because one of my goals of 2010 2011* is to be more interactive with those that take the time to read the stuff I write.

I have been a hermit for too long.

* This is the first time I’ve written the date wrong in 2011. Ruined my record!


I had mentioned before that one of my goals for 2011 is to be better organized. Writing things down (electronically) works well for me, and having the information I need synced between my electronic devices (iPod, iPad, Mac, etc) is very important to me.

I have been using Google to synchronize all of this information for me; I maintain my calendar on Google Calendar and I use my Gmail contacts as my main contact list. I have been having a few issues with this as of late. First of all, Gmail mangled my contacts a bit a month or so ago and the discrepancies have been making me crazy. I like each entry to be as complete as possible and all of them to be formatted identically (dashes and spaces in phone numbers, for example). I like every entry to have a little thumbnail of the person the card represents. I’m strange, I know, but seeing a smiling photo of each person in my address book makes me smile. Many use it to associate a name to a face, I don’t need to do that, I just like to have a thumbnail smiling back at me.

Since I intend on being on an Apple calling device of some sort in the relatively near future (either an iPhone or an iPod Touch using Skype and my Verizon WiFi), I decided to rebuild my address book using my MobileMe account. I’m starting to show a glimpse of my tinfoil hat tendencies, but I don’t want to store my personal information with a free service (especially one that is ad-supported) again. I pay for MobileMe, so I figure they owe me something and more importantly, everything is backed up somewhere else.

Also, my jp-at-jpnearl-dot-com e-mail address is hitting unprecedented spam levels as of late. That e-mail address has been automatically forwarding to gmail for the past year or two and gmail has been keeping the account quite clean, but I’m seriously considering getting rid of that e-mail account (I’ve had it for over 10 years) so that the spammers can just give up on trying to sell me everything that is spelled with numb3r5 and $ymb0l$ that I don’t want anyways. I’ll probably use the MobileMe address that is my nickname (without periods) dot last name at me dot com, but I’ll be rude and send out a mass email when I do that. When I make that step, I’ll be deleting all the other extraneous accounts that are living out there.

Another step in my quest for organizational perfection: a single point of contact.


Our friend Iain recently found a bug in the mobile version of this nifty bloggy thing, which made me go into full on geek mode with the maintenance of this site. So I’ve done a little bit of house cleaning and the like around here. If you find any bugs, please don’t hesitate to contact me either through a comment to this blog entry or by sending me e-mail.

If you like the mobile version of the site, which can be seen from just about any mobile device out there, and wish to add this functionality to your WordPress powered site, please click through the button on the right hand side of this page. I really like the software that BraveNewCode develops and I highly recommend them.


I’ll admit that I’m a geek. I want to shop at this Sears just because it has the really retro logo on it. I told Earl that the old Sears logo has a Jackie Kennedy swoop look to it. He agreed.

This store is in Santa Monica.