Twitter is faster than a speeding earthquake.
Earl will admit to anyone that cares to listen that his husbear is one that goes to extremes. For example, in my eyes the service isn’t bad, the service was tantamount to hysterically awful and the person responsible for it, and their superior, should be at the very least fired and there should be some consideration of caning anyone involved with my discomfort.
OK, maybe I’m not that bad but I tend to ramp up from 0 to 60 pretty quickly on certain occasions and people interpret this as either I’m wildly giddy or maniacally angry, depending on the circumstances, when in fact I’m happy or slightly miffed.
I have some suspicions as to why I’m this way and it would be rather tedious for the gentle reader to delve into a psychotherapy session right here on my blog, so instead I’m going to focus on something else. My tendencies for extremes is appreciated in my love for the weather. Yes, I love weather and if I could find a way to make a living at it, I would be chasing storms all over the globe and diving into situations that would normally scare the jebeebus out of people. This was blatantly apparent early this summer when we were driving through Cleveland on our way to Chicago; the radio blared with tornado warnings, trees were falling down all around us and water was sloshing up onto the sides of the Durango, but I wanted to see it all, despite the cries from my white knuckled, crying passengers. By the way, no one was injured in that adventure and we had a lovely long weekend together.
A few nights ago the National Weather Service issued a severe thunderstorm watch. The clouds mustered up a few ominous poses but then there was nothing. Well, ‘nothing’ probably isn’t the best word to describe the storm that passed through, but as god as my witness I have farted louder than the claps of thunder that these “severe” storms presented us with. Please. Don’t waste my time if you’re not going to do it right.
Around 4:30 this morning, without any warning from any of the weather radios in the house, we had a pretty impressive thunderstorm. Non-stop lightning, lots of accompanying thunder and a good, torrential rainfall for a little bit before sunrise. The wind could have been whipping harder to make it a little more to my liking, but I’ll take what I can get. Now this is what I’m talking about. I don’t know if it’s the rush of adrenaline I get or what, but if someone is going to muster up the energy to make a thunderstorm, it better be a good one. As I closed the windows throughout the house, I glanced at the weather radios and confirmed that the National Weather Service had nothing to say about the event. I then considered running outside into the wild weather but decided not to, mostly because Earl wasn’t feeling well and I didn’t want to needlessly worry him.
It was when we both officially woke up this morning that I told him I wanted to go on a road trip this weekend if he was up to it. When he asked where I wanted to go, I had a simple reply.
“I want to chase Irene.”
Now if Hurricane Irene is going to hit the Big Apple head on then I really don’t have an interest in it. I don’t want my view of one of Mother Nature’s more impressive displays to be obscured by skyscrapers, floating taxis and people running around like screaming mimis (most likely with a loaf of bread in each hand and a gallon of milk wedged into a pocket). I want to see hurricanes come in over the ocean from an open beach where I can get a panoramic view. I think that’s one of the reasons that I want to live in a relatively flat area. I want to see the blizzards come in, I want to see the rolling thunderstorms and I want to see tornados make their way across the landscape. Six inches of snow is a nuisance, four feet of snow is something worth talking about. Drizzle? Don’t waste my time. Flood it like you mean it. And let’s not even talk about a few poofs of wind. At least blow a tree down or something.
Of course I want to do all of this with a point of safety nearby. I’m not interested in jeopardizing my life needlessly. Personally, I wish I could be some sort of computer operator, administrator, whatever on a rig that went into these storms. I would love to be part of a team that’s learning from these extreme events. Anything to better the human experience with as much knowledge as possible.
So I don’t know if we’ll be meeting Irene head-on this weekend, but I’m sure I’ll be reviewing weather maps and watching videos from those that stand courageously as Mother Nature brings on her worst.
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
I needed a little bit of escapism tonight, so I decided to sit down and watch the Wonder Woman pilot that was not picked up by NBC. After watching the episode, I think with some hefty tweaking in some parts, this could have been a viable series for the network. I’m going to try to do my best to not spoil it for anyone, but if you want to be kept completely in the dark in regards to the content of the pilot, I suggest you stop reading right now.
Initial Impressions
I’m going to talk about this pilot and compare it to the Lynda Carter series of the 70s simply because I haven’t read a Wonder Woman comic in about a decade or so and I don’t know where she is in the whole scheme of things in print. I know that I really dislike the new costume in the comics and I didn’t really like the new TV costume as presented earlier this year. That being said, the release of the photos of the costume really did the whole attempt at rebooting the franchise a disservice because the new costume doesn’t weigh as heavily as you would expect. It gave a really bad first impression of the reboot, but I’m getting a little ahead of myself.
In this reboot, lots of folks know who Wonder Woman is. The world knows that Diana Themyscria, the head of Themyscria Enterprises, is Wonder Woman. People call her Wonder Woman when she’s in street clothes and a few call her “Di” when she’s in her Wonder Woman costume. To escape all of this, Diana has a THIRD identity. She is also Diana Prince, an employee of Themyscria Enterprises. So Diana Prince works for Diana Themyscria in a way. And that is not even a huge secret because her two closest friends/people (Henry, the CEO and Etta Candy, her personal assistant) at work know that she is also Diana Prince and they don’t get why she wants to be that. I found this confusing but I found myself really liking Diana Prince because she felt familiar in some ways. She’s definitely a 21st century spin on Lynda Carter’s Diana Prince. By the way, it’s a shame that this Diana Prince doesn’t spin because she has the ponytail, glasses and everything.
Oh, and I liked Sylvester the cat.
Plus! She uses a Mac, like everyone else on television.
One of the things that bugged me about NBC’s attempted reboot of “Bionic Woman” a few years ago was that there were no elements of the original series at all in the new show, aside from the name Jaime Somers. I know I’m a geek but I would have had a better time accepting the new Bionic Woman if she at least had some sort of resemblance to the original version when she was being bionic – we needed some version of the ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch sound. I found myself wanting the same thing here. When Wonder Woman jumped I really wanted a muted version of that squeal sound that the 70s series had, even if it was an updated version of the sound. It would make a connection for the generation that has the opportunity to see both series and when people feel connected, there’s that much more of a chance of the reboot being successful. At the very least, there are a few connections to the comics and the 70s series that I’ll mention below.
The Things I Really Liked
I really liked Adrianne Palicki and I didn’t expect to. I thought she pulled the script off well given what she had to work with. I really liked her as Diana Prince, I semi-liked her as Wonder Woman and I fairly-liked her as Diana Themyscria. She did a good job and I could accept her as Wonder Woman in the same way that I could accept Cathy Lee Crosby in the first movie before Lynda Carter had the role. She did well with what she had to work with and I think she should have been given a chance. The script had it’s flaws but I think Adrianne did good.
I liked the way Elizabeth Hurley carried on as the bad guy. She mugged it up a bit but it fit the role. I didn’t find her ridiculous, instead I found her somewhat campy. It felt familiar in a way. And I like the way the current political climate was brought into the show.
I liked Henry (forgot his last name) and Etta Candy. I especially liked Etta, played by Tracie Thoms.
I thought Steve Trevor was kind of hot and I liked the back story (given the context of the script) of why she wasn’t all around Steve this time around.
More spoilers…
Diana Themyscria says “tits” and “ass” and Etta Candy reminds her that “Wonder Woman isn’t vulgar.” I appreciated that.
I liked the surprise when Wonder Woman is first seen at the last fight scene. She was in a more familiar costume.
It was obvious that the cinematography was building up to the more familiar costume after she suited up. I wish I knew why there were multiple costumes.
The Things I Didn’t Like
As I mentioned before, I didn’t like the three identities going on. I found it confusing and I found a disconnection with the character because of this.
I didn’t like the fact that her plane wasn’t invisible and that it had been made by human technology (apparently). I didn’t like that so much was known about her background and her Amazonian roots.
I didn’t like when Wonder Woman returned from her mission and the staff at Themyscria Enterprises applauded her efforts. Wonder Woman always seemed more humble than that and while she shows some humble tendencies in this version, I still found the whole thing a little off for the familiarity of the character.
I don’t like the way Wonder Woman suits up. I knew the familiar ‘spin with a flash’ thing would be deemed too campy for today’s “sophisticated” audience, but just throwing the clothes on removes any mystical or magical element of the character. She’s Batman in more colorful clothing. Not my thing when it comes to Wonder Woman.
Adrianne seems to channel a rebooted Xena more than Wonder Woman at times and while I always love me some Xena, Wonder Woman seems meaner than Xena when she was a warlord before she found her way to good. When you watch the pilot, you’ll see some definitive Lucy Lawless glares and stares.
The Things I Really Hated
It really bugged me that people called her “Di” instead of Diana. That’s tapping the geek in me, they did the same thing in the Cathy Lee Crosby movie but I don’t think anyone ever called Diana “Di” in the 70s series. As a strong woman, Diana Prince deserves more than a monosyllabic name.
I hated the fact that everyone knew that Wonder Woman and Diana Themyscria were the same person and I really didn’t like the fact that others also knew that Diana Prince was the other two. I think that many gay men and lesbians identified in part with the 70s Wonder Woman (and all the other superheroes of the time) because of the “secret identity” aspect. I know I did. No one knew that Bruce Wayne was Batman or that Clark Kent was Superman back then. And the secret life holds an appeal for anyone that has every dreamed of being someone else, just for a few moments, but has never shared that with anyone. Wonder Woman has a secret identity as Diana Prince and that’s her business and no one else’s. However, the way the script was written, it wouldn’t have worked any other way. Perhaps this was the biggest flaw of the script.
Now, the biggest flaw of the script is that Wonder Woman is a very vengeful woman in this incarnation. She’s angry and mean and vengeful and considers herself above the law. Whoa! That’s just not right. The first fight scene culminates in something that made me gasp, in the final fight scene Wonder Woman outright kills a guy, and not in a nice way at all, and that was just wrong. I think I might have yelled out when that happened. Wonder Woman does NOT kill unless it is an absolute last resort. She also roughs up Veronica Cale pretty wildly. So much for a lasso of truth and then forgetfulness. And she’s also known for her torture techniques. WHA??? I could not forgive the amount of anger and ruthlessness in this version and I suspect this is why the pilot may have not been picked up. Wonder Woman was just too damn mean at times. I get where they were going with the premise of the show and why she was the way she was, but it did not translate well at all for an introduction.
Things To Watch For
One of the cool things of the version of the pilot I saw is that you can see where the special effects weren’t apparently completed in time for the showing. It was kind of fun to spot the wires or the missing golden lasso. I also know how they smash a car into a person now. Though completely unintentional, it was kind of a geeky goodness to see the pilot without all the effects in place. There are a couple of places where they tell you the SFX are lax, “add police cars here”.
On the whole I think that the pilot could have worked after a major overhaul. I could forgive elements of the reboot if there were more familiar elements from the comics and the 70s series. I kind of liked the romantic story angle of it, it didn’t feel too overly girly. If they ever try again, I think Ms. Palicki should get another chance to redeem herself for the reboot. Unfortunately I had a once in a lifetime chance to see the pilot but I suppose if you searched around online you might be able to find it somewhere.
It’s no secret that I love gadgets and technology and gadgets that are based on technology, so it shouldn’t come as a surprised that I really like my iPhone. Now I know a couple of months ago I decided to give a non-iPhone smartphone a try but that experiment didn’t last very long. It was a grave error in my judgment and will not be repeated in the foreseeable future.
As a quick aside, I don’t think of myself as one of those overly obnoxious people with an iPhone. I don’t talk on it that much, I don’t halt dinner conversations to see who is around me on Scruff or Growlr at any given moment. I usually check into Foursquare and then enjoy the company of the people I am with instead of opting to go into the virtual world. If I deviate from this course of action, I am politely reminded by my loving husbear of my behaviour and I quickly stop. I don’t flinch or anything.
I currently have the beta version of the next version of iOS on my iPhone. This has kept things a little more interesting than usual. The current beta is relatively stable; I occasionally have a glitch pop up that reminds me that I’m still on a beta version of the software but usually things work out just fine and I’m able to recover and carry on without having to carry on in some sort of rage. On Wednesday, however, something with one of my purchased apps made the phone go a little crazy and slow down to a crawl. Quitting all apps, restarting the iPhone and the like did not rectify the issue. Someone had written something bad somewhere on my phone and the only way to resolve the issue would be to do a factory reset. So I did.
Being on the beta, I was hoping that the magical iCloud would load my settings back into my phone from that magical place in the sky, but it failed. Hence, a beta. (Notes were taken and submitted). So instead of I went home and reloaded my iPhone the old fashioned way; connecting it to iTunes and waiting for it to resync from my last backup.
It was working, but it was going _very_ slowly. Two hours into the process and things showed signs of life but very little seemed to be happening. My poking and prodding didn’t seem to help matters, so I decided I should just leave things alone and go to bed for the night.
Normally my iPhone charges overnight in my alarm clock. There are a few reasons for this; first of all I can grab the phone easily if work or someone else calls with some sort of emergency. Secondly, I can set the alarm to play a happy tune off of my phone if I want it to, but I rarely do. Thirdly, the phone can charge and give me comfort by being close by.
At 5:00 a.m. on Thursday morning I woke up in a dead panic. The sheets were drenched in sweat, I think I was yelling out and I had been chewing on my pillow. I had just awaken from an awful nightmare. It went something like this.
Earl and I had parked a rental car in a parking garage. We were only going to be a minute so we left our belongings in the car. When we came back, the rental car was gone. It had been confiscated because the images taken of us on security cameras did not match the names of the people that the car was registered to. Our belongings were returned to us as long as they were not electronic. However, my iPhone had been confiscated. And because it had been confiscated, it had been destroyed by the secret police.
I vividly remember telling some woman that she had no right to confiscate our stuff and further more, how dare she destroy my iPhone. I showed her the rental car receipt and she apologized for the error. Because it had been a mistake on behalf of the government, they would give me a brand new iPhone replacement.
In the dream haze she handed the new iPhone to me. It was an old-style flip phone with a retractable antenna and everything. On the back was an Apple sticker haphazardly applied to the device. She called it the iPhone flip. When opened, it had a regular flip phone keypad and a very small touch screen that used numbers just like on the old VIC-20s. Only four letters would fit on the screen. They spelled FUCK in two rows. I yelled at the woman and that is when I must have yelled out in reality because I jerked awake.
Not to be deterred, I raced down to the basement to where my iPhone was plugged into my iMac. The complete restore had performed flawlessly and everything was once again right with the universe.
I think I am officially an Apple fan boy.
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
I’ve spent the first half of my lunch hour today chatting with former classmates on Facebook. We have been talking about the old days at school and it is becoming quite apparent that I must have some sort of memory disorder because I remember too many things with too much detail to be labeled normal. I remember the names of teachers, their assigned room numbers (I wonder if my favorite math teacher is still in Room 202?), the names of teachers that retired before I even got to that grade, the bell schedule of the high school and the fact that the bell used to signal a class change was an A-flat played over the PA speakers. I guess it’s somewhat natural, due to my fascination with clocks, that I remember that the bell rang three seconds after the clock positioned itself to the right time for the class change and that teachers would insist we wait for the bell, even though I don’t think they would have been able to cram anymore learning into the moments between 09:36:00 and 09:36:03. I could also share that this quirk appeared in 1981 when the master clock in the main office was replaced but that would be downright spooky.
Ask me what I had for supper two nights ago and I probably could remember if I thought about it hard enough. I know that I’m trying to forget last night’s supper, which was at a Chinese buffet that we lovingly call “China Nazi” because when we go in the hostess, and I use that term loosely, motions us to our table and proclaims, “You sit THERE!”. Her tone makes me want to bark out a “Heil Hitler!” but I don’t because that’s a totally different continent.
I’m pretty good with dates for the most part, though today I wished our friend Mike a happy birthday when his birthday is on Sunday. I always think he’s just shy of a month younger than me when in reality he is a month and a day younger than me. I remember my aunt and uncle’s wedding anniversary in 1979 for no apparent reason (other than they’re family). I remember most my cousins’ birthdays. Earl proclaimed he didn’t know his brother’s phone number the other night but I told him what it was. The digits are nearly the same as 62 WHEN in Syracuse and somewhat in the neighborhood of Route 481, also in Syracuse, so it’s simple math, at least in my head. By the way, his brother lives nowhere near Syracuse but I suppose he would fit in if he lost the Philly accent.
One thing that makes me hesitant with my memory is names. Some may notice that it takes a few encounters before I will address someone I have met during my adult years by their name. I hate getting names wrong because it’s kind of embarrassing. When I was in the hospital in 8th grade, the next room over in pediatrics had a patient named Carrie but I always called her Marcia because I thought she looked like a Marcia. My roommate, Eric, reminded me several times and that made me hesitant to call someone by name if I can’t remember it. I usually have an idea of what a person should be named by appearance. That being said, I don’t know that I have ever actually called someone Creepella to their face. Okay, I did that one time and she was not amused.
I attribute this memory talent, for lack of a better word, completely to my father. I owe him for inheriting that trait, because he could be downright spooky too. During the days of the family store, a customer could walk in, having not been in the store for a decade, and my father would say hello like it was yesterday and remind them of the pound of 10-common nails they had purchased the last time they were there, usually sometime in the mid 1970s (even though the present date was sometime in the late 1980s). The same customer would then look at me, thinking I was really good at math, as I rang them up because I didn’t have to use the calculator or reference a tax chart to compute the tax required for their purchase. It wasn’t that I was doing math in my head, I had just memorized the tax chart. Think of the time I could save on figuring out my purchases today if the sales tax rate was still 4%! I wouldn’t have to use my fingers or anything.
All of this memory stuff comes full circle though, when friends and family remind me of something that they have told me a half dozen times in the past month. “I forgot!”
I think I need to upgrade my RAM. I have too much stuff up there.
I am kicking off the week with a little bit of familiarity. Normally I travel to and from work with my iPad, after all, it is one of the latest Apple gadgets and as an Apple fanboy I am obligated to buy the latest offering from the greatest company in the world and dutifully truck it back and forth to every place I go.
I hope you realize that the paragraph preceding this one is 95% snark.
Anyways, while the iPad is great for traveling it is excels at content consumption but is mediocre at content creation, especially since it has a software keyboard. I have mentioned before that I carry a standard Apple bluetooth keyboard to use with my iPad, but this approach is rather clumsy. This week I decided to start carrying the MacBook Pro again.
Yesterday I was going through my duffle bag and found my Kodak HD video camera which I haven’t used very much. I started playing around with it, taking video of the leaves blowing in the wind, for example, and then I discovered the art of using slow- and fast-motion editing techniques to make the video a little more interesting. I mean, blowing leaves are still blowing leaves whether they’re dancing fast and doing a slow wave, but nonetheless, the spontaneous creative endeavor inspired me a little bit. Sometimes we need only a small bit of inspiration. It’s the opportunity to run with it that gives us the magic we seek.
I sound like a fortune cookie insert. Just add “in bed”.
You may have noticed in the photo above that I have an older style MacBook Pro. This is Earl’s former computer. It had been dropped at one point in it’s life, but I resurrected it and now it purrs along like a happy cat. Personally I prefer this style of the MacBook Pro because I like the keyboard much better. I find the sharper edges from the current version to be a little uncomfortable for the way I type and since I do a lot of babbling on my blog, it’s best that I am comfortable when I am typing. My plan is to use this MBP for as long as I can, since it works just fine. It’s even running OS X Lion without an issue. I am pleased.
As a bit of a social networking junkie and a downright nerd when it comes to all things connected, I get a bit of a kick out of the social networking app called Foursquare. If you’re unfamiliar with it, this is an app that lives on your favorite mobile device that allows you to ‘check-in’ at whatever business you happen to be in. They have made this part of a game; you earn little trinkets and doo-dads and if you go to the same place enough times, you eventually become ‘mayor’. As I understand it, some places offer specials to the Foursquare mayor of their business, but I have yet to be treated like royalty. There are other similar programs out there, such as Gowalla, plus there is Facebook Places and Google Places (and the check-ins on Google+) that allow you to do the same thing for the most part. Early in my discovery of Foursquare, I would earn myself some eye rolls from the folks I was with because I would squeal (in a very masculine voice) that I was now the mayor of places like the Cozy-Have-A-Snack1. There were several blogger and Twitter types that would gripe when Foursquare announced to the world that we had just become mayor. I turned that feature off; I only update Twitter when I want people to know where I am.
And, while I’m on the subject, I’m really not that concerned about people knowing where I am because I’m the one that is doing and controlling the announcing. It’s not like my phone is automatically checking me in to their locations.
While I don’t really have an interest in the idea of earning mayorships of businesses that I visit frequently, I do think it’s a hoot when I earn one, especially if I’ve only been to that location once or twice. I’m more excited to see who else is checked in to the same location I’m at and the excitement of seeing another geek on the street and in the wild. It’s kind of like the early days of being out as a gay and you’d get a little giddy when you saw another gay on the street. This latter example subsided for me considerably when I lived in Boston and my gaydar blew several fuses, a circuit breaker and any modicum of composure when I walked down Newbury Street for the first time.
But I digress.
Up until recently I was the mayor of the Dunkin’ Donuts closest to work. I held this title for a long time. There were no advertised specials nor was my photo plastered on the wall, but ever since I was mayor I didn’t have any clear liquid stuff sprayed into tea nor did I receive a bagel with pink goo on it by mistake. My orders have been accurate. While we were in Denver, I received word that a person by the name of Amanda S. had taken over as mayor of the Dunkin’ Donuts.
When I checked in today, I noticed that she was also checked in to the location. At long last, our paths were crossing and we would have the opportunity to meet. I walked into the restaurant and saw that they had no customers. Must be she had already left. I asked for my usual unsweetened iced tea and after someone went to get it, I asked for lemon.
“Amanda, be sure to put a lemon in it”, the cashier yelled over to the prep station.
Sure enough, Amanda with the lemon is Amanda S. the mayor of Dunkin’ Donuts on Foursquare. I bet she thought she was quite crafty by not wearing her name tag, but the Hardy Boy in me figured it out. She wasn’t hiding under the secret stair case, she was right there, working at the Dunkin’ Donuts and checking in every time she had to work.
When she came back to give me my tea I cocked an eyebrow and pointed a finger at her. “Amanda? Amanda S from Foursquare?”
She smiled, blushed and said yes.
I smiled and said, “nice to meet you.”
And that’s what makes social networking cool.
1 Über points to the person that can name that very obscure pop culture reference.
Anastasia Beaverhausen.
I know I’ve been writing things with a geeky bent this week, but these are the things that have been consuming my thoughts lately. If this bothers you in any way, please let me know and I’ll come up with something not geek related; perhaps a picture of me sitting in the bathtub or something.
Google+ is becoming a bit of it’s own rage and I am right there on the bandwagon. I have been purposely avoiding becoming excited about the new social networking platform but I discover new features here and there that work well for me, especially when it comes to privacy. The kicker of this is that you have to have faith – faith that Google won’t screw up and release what was intended as a private conversation to an unintended audience member.
I am fortunate in that I discovered the benefits of connecting with others online fairly early; 1985 to be exact. I quickly learned not to write anything online that I wouldn’t want to appear on the front page of the New York Times. I remember sitting in my dorm room at SUNY Fredonia chatting with a man named Patrick at 300 baud on a service called GEnie using my Commodore 64. He was also 18 and asked where I went to school. I told him Fredonia. A week later I received a handwritten card in the mail. Through our conversation he had obtained my name and did a quick call to the local phone company, which turned up my phone number, which provided him my mailing address which included my room number at Alumni Hall because the phone numbers corresponded to the dorm room numbers.
Instead of being flattered I was freaked out.
Through this little lesson I learned what to say, where to say it and the relative ramifications of what I said when chatting online. Privacy is still a huge concern but if you live by the one simple rule you shouldn’t have much of an issue.
“Don’t type it online unless you wouldn’t mind having it on the front page of the New York Times.”
Back to Google+. One of the cool features about Google+ is that you can messages in your “stream” to intended audiences. For example, the blog entry preceding this one, a recipe for the macaroni and cheese that was served at the Harvest House restaurants in the Woolworths department store chain, was copied onto my Google stream. I marked it as ‘public’; anyone can see it. I want anyone to see it. This is kind of cool.
I had a brief conversation with a local musician on Twitter yesterday. I fully believe that Twitter is very abused with people using it for too personal communication (addressing the one instead of the crowd). The musician had compatibility concerns with some of his audio gear and Mac OS X Lion. I told him I would test my gear when I got home and notify him of the results. I didn’t have his email address, but I was able to a message directly to him in my Google+ stream. No one else was the wiser. The parts of the compatibility test that were fit for public consumption were added to my Google+ stream with a public tag.
There are times when I want to talk about beards or bears or the like and I don’t want certain people to see them. By giving me the ability to sort my connections on Google+ into ‘Circles’, I can tell the bears that I find so-so quite woofy but I don’t have to explain myself at the next family reunion or make old friends clutch their rosary beads.
This is kind of cool.
Now I still keep that “New York Times” rule in my mind regardless of the audience, but I no longer have to broadcast anything and everything to the entire world. I can direct the topics to the appropriate circle.
There has been discussion of Google+ replacing blogs altogether. Back in the day there was talk of Google Wave replacing email. I actually can see Google+ being a one-stop repository of all things communicated online. While this is very cool, it’s also VERY scary, especially when it comes to the advertising nature of Google. Again, this is where one has to have a little faith that Google will continue with the “don’t be evil” motto and live up to it.
So go ahead, don a pair of sunglasses, mix up a glass of alcoholic swill and go to your local Taco place and chow down like there’s no tomorrow and tell only your closest friends about the adventure on Google+.
Just don’t fret if you show up on the front page of the New York Times caught in the act with sour cream at the corners of your mouth.
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
It’s no secret that I love me some social networking here on this internets thing made up of tubes. I love reaching out to others, sharing common interests with others halfway around the world and meeting new friends in person that we’ve already met digitally. This blog is going on ten years old next month and Earl and I have met some wonderful people via this avenue of conversation along the way. We look forward to meeting many more.
As technology progresses new methods of communications pop up here and there. For example, I used to share all of my photos on Flickr and then build blog entries from their interface to automatically post here. This whole thing used to live on Google’s Blogger platform. Not too long ago (relatively speaking), Twitter popped up and everyone start writing witty one liners and laughing silently in front of their screen, thinking how much they were making others laugh with their snappy tweets. At least I did. Then along came Facebook and you could find out what happened to the guy that you lusted after in high school and share all your secrets with all of your family and friends.
With all these new platforms and the like, my information has become scattered all over the place. Facebook used to have a reliable cross posting platform where their Notes interface sucked up each blog entry on a routine basis and posted it there. It got to where I was getting more comments there than here. Then that went haywire; yesterday a week’s worth of posts shot up at once. I write in a timely manner, so this made me look either very foolish or like I had been stricken with Alzheimer’s.
Now Google+ (G+) has come along and it’s turning out to be quite nice. It’s still in beta (testing) and probably will be for a while so there’s some kinks in their system but for the most part it’s pretty nifty. More importantly to me, it has all sorts of integration that appeals to me- photos (replacing Flickr), location stuff (replacing Foursquare), Hangouts (replacing Skype for video) and then the regular stream stuff, which allows you to be rather lengthy in your missives but still provides the option to still be witty with snappy one-liners. Plus there’s the whole social networking aspect with circles of friends, following people, finding G+ users nearby and the like.
So here’s my problem. I’ve never really liked Facebook and I’ve always been kind of half-assed with the way that I use it. Should I ditch it completely? Twitter is slowly replacing news feeds. I definitely find Twitter to be my “go to” place when I suspect something is going on in the world (i.e. the death of Bin Laden) and to keep a finger on the pulse of what the world is thinking about today. Should I just go with G+? The drawback is that it’s Google, who, in my mind at least, is an advertising company that has some really cool technology. This scares me. Even though I used to write ad copy for a living, I really don’t like advertising at all and will do everything I can to avoid it.
But I really like the integration of G+ and getting rid of that scattered feeling of having my data all over creation with multiple links pointing everyone in 10 different directions.
Such a dilemma in today’s world.
Now, if I could just find a way to get email under control. Someday I’ll have a clean inbox again.
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad