
Are We Here?

So in 2009 Microsoft shared a video (with a follow-up a couple of years later) proposing where they saw technology in 10 years. Some of the technology shared in the video included double sided smartphones or “smart cards”, billboard ads that recognized who you are, wall-sized video conferencing with a shared tactile experience, and much more. Take a look at this video to see where Microsoft wanted us to be today.

I’m kind of bummed that it’s 2019 and it feels like we’re not even close to achieving this vision, nor are we really headed in the right direction.

The doubling down of monetizing user data (primarily through social media) instead of trying to see how we can creatively use data has really put a kink in the vision timeline.

I still hold out hope that someday we’ll get this timeline back on track and start heading toward a “Star Trek” like future again (where we focus on the good of humanity instead of the greed of money).

Let’s see what 2019 really brings. But more importantly, let’s see what company or who tries to nudge us back onto the sane timeline.

Google Home Hub.

A promotional video for Google Home Hub. We are getting closer to the future of a truly Smart Home.


My nephew wants a MacBook Pro for Christmas. He’s 10 years old, lives 1,000 miles from us, and like many of his peers has an iPod and iPad, so I don’t know what his usage case for a MacBook Pro is. I suspect it has something to do with his wanting a GoPro as well. Perhaps he’s a future Steven Spielberg that skates and plays hockey or something.

My sister asked where she could get a reasonably priced MacBook Pro. Being the geek of the family, it’s that most wonderful time of the year when folks come out of the woodwork to ask for my opinion on all things technological. In all honesty, if Grandma City was still alive she’d probably still ask me about that blinking 12:00 on her new fangled microwave.

But I digress.

I took a look at the various refurbished Apple product sites and told my sister the best price she could expect for a decent MacBook Pro was at least $1K. This was not the answer she wanted to hear. A year or two ago my sister bought my nephew a Lenovo ThinkPad of some sort and paid around $500, but it’s not a Mac. And before any uses an accusatory tone, I have not been proclaiming the virtues of Apple around my nephew. He picked up this desire for an MBP on his own.

I’m a believer that the price of technology should be coming down. Technology should be attainable, at some level, to anyone that is curious. I recently revived an older Lenovo ThinkPad and made it into a very serviceable machine. At first I put Linux on it, but then after realizing that Linux does not have a desktop experience geared for the masses, as much as they try to say that it does, I decided to put Neverware’s CloudReady on it, essentially turning it into a Chromebook. It works beautifully, runs much faster than any version of Linux I had running on the thing, and has basically turned the computer into a nice setup. If you have an older computer lying around, I highly suggest trying CloudReady on it.

One of the things I find frustrating about Apple these days is their pricing. Despite the fact that the product line is starting to get “muddy” again, one must admit that the product line is starting to get very pricey. A decent iPhone Xr starts at nearly $800. The iPhone Xs starts at nearly $1000 and the larger iPhone Xs Max starts at nearly $1100. And before I go any further, what is up with the naming conventions. “Xs Max”? In my head I hear “X-ess”, er, “10-ess Max”. My eyes see “Tampax” or “Xanax”. None of this lends itself to a phone priced at nearly $1100.

More digression.

As technology permeates every facet of our life, and as a result we become completely reliant on these doodads, prices should be coming down, not going up. While I mostly appreciate Apple’s build quality, I don’t believe they are giving the public so awesome a technological experience that the cost of buying a phone should exceed the price of a month’s rent in large portions of the country. I know people will counter there’s cheaper options out there, even from Apple. They still offer the iPhone 7 and iPhone 8 and I think I read somewhere that they’re starting up production of the iPhone X again. But there’s a nagging in the back of mind as to expected longevity and the quality of support for a decent amount of time for these cheaper, yet older, designs.

This is another reason I’ve been looking at Google’s offerings lately. A couple of years ago we bought my Mom a Chromebook. It’s my understanding that she’s still using it. Her computing needs are pretty much web driven. There’s very little worry about viruses and malware on a Chromebook, and it updated itself. Plus, she could easily reach her data using her outdated iPhone 5, her Kindle, or her Chromebook, because it lived in an open ecosystem. While Apple has been better about sharing data outside of the walled garden, it’s still not super easy to integrate your iCloud calendar with a non-Apple device. I get the security concerns, but as I mentioned in a previous blog entry, if we are going to move forward in a sane direction with technology, we need to be able to share data across devices and platforms while maintaining reasonable precautions. “You can watch our keynote but only using our web browser” is not a reasonable precaution. That’s ecosystem lock in.

I’m a little bummed that I can’t find a MacBook Pro solution to tell my sister so she can tell Santa what to get my nephew. Hopefully I’ll find an answer over the next week. But more importantly, I think it’s time for a little disruption in the “let’s make our tech expensive” arena.


The thought of a connected world is pretty cool. As long as the data is not abused (ahem, Facebook), we can achieve some great things in this 21st century if we have data the cooperates across competing platforms.

I’ve mentioned “A Day Made of Glass”, Corning Glass’ vision of such a connected world. Data is accessed pretty much along every surface that has been coated in Corning’s high-tech glass. Touch surfaces are everywhere. Corning focuses on the idea that everyone’s primary computing device is the tablet, and it’s powerful enough to drive larger displays and other peripherals. Used properly, these devices could really make our lives richer.

I’ve always loved the touchscreen mirror shown in the screen cap from the Corning video. There are prototypes and homemade versions available today, but in the real consumer market, the closest thing we have today are the smarthubs that are popping up on the market. Amazon has a couple with their Echo Show and Echo Spot. Google recently unveiled their Google Home Hub.

We picked up one yesterday.

Our new Hub is living on the kitchen counter and I’m finding it pretty cool. Not only can we control our lights and connected sockets throughout the house, but Earl can also watch news updates, I can watch videos from YouTube, we can tell things to jump up on our television from the device, and we can take a look at our calendars and the like.

You’ll notice we are using Google devices again, more on that in a later blog entry.

The key to these technological advances is the open (with appropriate security standards) exchange of data. I strongly believe we should be able to access our data from our devices, regardless of the manufacturer. While “walled gardens” worked in the past, they’re not allowing us to move forward.

We need to make the vision in “A Day Made of Glass” come true. That’s where our future needs to be.

X10 Legacy.

Before we had the Internet of Things, we had the X10 protocol. Timers and controllers communicated with switches and modules over the electrical wiring throughout the building.

When Earl and I sold our first house back in 2003 we left behind wired in X10 switches in several key places. When we’d drive by the old home the outside lights were always on, even on the brightest of days. The new owners apparently never figured out how the newfangled switches worked.

Going through the Christmas decorations, Earl found a controller we used for a lighting display. I don’t have the heart to throw it away.

Analog rocked!

A Public Service Announcement From A Geek.

Please make your passwords so complicated that you can’t remember them. Never use the same password for multiple sites, accounts, or applications.

There are some excellent password managers out there: 1Password, LastPass, KeyPass all work well. If you’re in the Apple world, your complicated passwords will sync between your devices. Google offers the same thing with their products. I don’t know if Microsoft offers syncing.

If you have to manually type in a password (ahem, Microsoft Windows 10 on a typical laptop), remember the muscle memory, not the characters. Throw lots of non-alphanumeric characters in there. Interspersed capital letters are your friend.

If a website or service doesn’t allow non-alphanumeric characters, ditch them. They’re not concerned with keeping your data safe.

The More You Know (shooting star).