So I bought myself a new hoodie for those chilly flights in the airplane.
This is my work Mac. It was assigned to me as my work computer in June 2015. I was a bit of an outlier in the company with this Mac; when I was convinced I should join the company I said I wouldn’t do it unless I could work on a Mac and they relented. I wasn’t the only one using a Mac but the number of us was small. It’s the last generation of MacBook Pro before the new keyboard was introduced to frustrate the masses. I have since been assigned a Dell Windows 10 computer that I don’t use as much as I’m suppose to. My workflow works best on a Mac.
My husband’s iMac is older than this Mac and it’s getting a little long in the tooth. I’ve also been looking for a desktop to use in the same space as my work Mac because I really want to get back into video editing again. I have hours and hours and hours of flight video that I’d like to put together in clever ways to share with the masses. I’m not looking to make money with my flight videos, rather I’m more interested in sharing my passion for aviation as widely as possible.
My husband should have a laptop of some sort. We have tried the iPad Pro route and he doesn’t like the limited experience the iPad currently offers. I know Apple insists that tablet computing is the way of the future, and there are many that use their iPad Pro full-time (in fact, I’m typing this blog entry on my iPad Pro), but in reality, iOS is not there for the average computer user to make the switch to a tablet as their full-time computer. The logical choice would be a 13-inch MacBook Pro with the option of plugging into an external monitor.
Apple’s offerings are so expensive!
So I took a gander through Best Buy last night and I was underwhelmed by every computer I looked at. I typed on premium computers made by Dell, HP, Lenovo, Asus, Toshiba, Samsung, and Microsoft. The closest thing that came to the quality I would expect from a computer in 2019 was the Microsoft Surface line, but there was something I just didn’t enjoy. I don’t know if it was the power connector hanging off like it 2005 or the overwhelming interface of Windows 10, but I was not as impressed as I thought I would be.
Perhaps my expectations are too high.
I was encouraged to see that Apple bumped up the MacBook Pro line yesterday and also announced that they’ve modified the new keyboard design (again) to address the stuck key issue users have been dealing with for literally years. After Best Buy I went to the Apple store last night and played around with a MacBook Pro with TouchBar. It was interesting. I was surprised at how loud the keys were with each press and I wondered if the TouchBar was actually ever used by the average consumer. Looking at the specs of each device I went into geek mode and realized the computers at Best Buy, while not built as well as the Apple devices, had higher specs at a lower price. I really want to make sure this next computer for my husband lasts for a number of years, so I try to get as much RAM and hard drive space as fiscally possible.
I didn’t make any purchases last night.
I think I’m going to end up waiting until after WWDC in a couple of weeks to see what Apple announces in the way of iOS and Mac OS upgrades in 2019. But right now, I feel like the general computing experience for the average user in 2019 is at a weird, uninspiring, lack of innovation limbo of sorts. Prices go up with no real benefit.
We really need the next Steve Jobs, whomever he or she may be, to share their vision and get us moving forward again.
My morning walk ended up being an abbreviated event this morning due to the rain that was coming down at the time. I thought I could brave it out but alas, with temperatures in the mid 40s and a decent amount of precipitation, I decided that I would try again to catch up on my step count later in the day.
I did notice that neighbors had their sprinklers running during the rain shower. I’m assuming this is an automated affair; folks just set and forget the sprinkler system to assure a beautiful lawn everyday. This is where I wish folks would embrace sensible technology. We have more than enough ways to determine if it’s raining outside, and an electronic gizmo in the neighborhood of $100 would allow the sprinklers to be smart as to when to deploy. If it’s raining, there’s no sense in deploying the sprinklers for that cycle. Perhaps a more expensive gizmo could determine if the lawn even needs water to begin with.
I’m all for beautiful lawns. I’m all for smart technology. Perhaps the two should be married for a more ecologically responsible union more often.
As a solid Gen-Xer and seeing the growth of technology first hand, I have always been fascinated by what we call “legacy” technology today. I can vividly remember standing in line with my mother at the local DMV, watching a clerk carefully enter information about my Dad’s motorcycle in a big terminal. Looking over her glasses, with the proper forms filled out and clipped on an arm attached to the terminal, she carefully entered each piece of information, following the flashing green cursor for guidance into the Mohawk Data Sciences terminal, eventually hitting “SEND” and writing a number on the form with a red pen. A few moments later the very loud printer clacked its way through printing the registration form. When presented with the paperwork, I saw the very “high-tech” lettering on the form and I was excited. This was the future!
Of course, I’m now sitting in a Starbucks, where I flashed my smartphone in front of a scanner attached to a scant slab of silicon posing as a cash register, typing a blog entry on a slightly bigger piece of silicon. This iPad I’m using has the capacity of literally thousands if not millions pieces of the equipment that was once used to power the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles.
And we take it for granted.
Legacy computing is wicked cool to me because we were discovering this new era of technology and trying all sorts of different things to try to make our lives better. The future would be high-tech and we’d be smarter because of it.
Now people are falling into fountains while trying to take a “selfie” with their phone while making duck faces.
Google I/O, the big developer conference for the company that has become a verb, is taking place this week and I watched part of the keynote today. The one thing that struck me is Google is still thinking of new ways to do things, kinda. I’m confused as to why we would want an AI voice to call a car rental reservation system when theoretically the AI should just be able to connect to the system without acting like a human. I mean, having a robot call a restaurant to place a reservation, when the restaurant most likely has an electronic means of way of accomplishing that same task, is like taking the time to type a note into Microsoft Word, printing it, and then sending it by fax. Yes, it can be accomplished but is it the most efficient or practical way?
Sometimes our legacy thinking gets in the way.
Even though I gripe about new technology doing things the “old way”, I still admire the effort. I just wish we could get past the entrenched paradigm and start thinking outside the box. Back in the “legacy computing” days I admired people thought outside of the box to get into the box we seem trapped in today. Google’s announcements today aside, too many computing companies are playing it too safe. I keep waiting for some company to apply legacy thinking to today’s technology and take us to the next level. We shouldn’t be complacent, we need to be explorers.
I want the forward thinking that brought us legacy computing to bring us the next big thing. What will we do to move forward?
So a couple of weeks ago I signed up for the Car2Go Car Sharing Service. Like it’s earlier predecessor ZipCar, Car2Go has a fleet of vehicles that you share with others on the service. Unlike ZipCar, you can park a Car2Go vehicle anywhere in it’s “home area”, which in my case is an approved area in Chicago. The Car2Go fleet here in Chicago has three choices: a little Smart Car, or two different models of Mercedes-Benz. The rates are reasonable and charged by the minute.
I’ve noticed Car2Go vehicles in the neighborhood for months, so I knew there were plenty of cars nearby at any given time. I signed up for the service by providing a picture of my license, front and back, and providing credit card information. It took a few weeks to get my license approved.
Using the service is simple. You find a car nearby, reserve it up to 30 minutes in advance of using it, and then find the car when you’re ready to go. Once you’re at the car, make sure there’s no damage to report, and then enter your PIN in the app. Another PIN will display on an electronic doohickey on the dash, enter that and the car will unlock. Once in the car you can grab the keys from a special holder and off you go.
The first car I drove this evening reeked of pot smoke, so whoever drove it before me must have been well baked during their use of the car. Comforting, but not surprising these days. I rolled down the window and aired out the car as I drove to my destination.
Once I arrived I simply found a legal parking spot for the car, turned it off, stowed the keys in the designated area and got out. I then ended my trip on the app. The car locked itself, gave me a beep-beep confirmation and I was done.
The only thing that was weird to me was that I intentionally locked the keys in the car.
I did the same thing for the trip home, though I didn’t use the same car as someone had already taken that. The second car didn’t smell like pot smoke but one of the tires had low tire pressure, which I reported on the app.
I really like the idea of using technology in this fashion and using Car2Go was actually cheaper than hiring a Lyft or Uber for this particular trip.
I like the idea of using Car2Go and the idea of sharing cars in this fashion. It doesn’t make sense for us to have two vehicles just sitting in the garage when we don’t need them (hence the sale of the Jeep earlier this week). But it does make sense to have cars readily available to share with others who have embraced this type of technology.
Recently someone hacked the Car2Go app and stole a bunch of Mercedes here in Chicago. I haven’t followed the news close enough to find out if the vehicles were recovered, but despite that setback, I think Car2Go is an excellent service and I look forward to continue to use it.
It was simple to use, and that’s what’s important about today’s technology. Now, if we could just do something about the pot smoke.
Computers For Sale.
I have two computers for sale. If you are interested, please contact me via email.
Lenovo ThinkPad X201
- Currently running Kali Linux
- 320GB HDD
- i5 Processor: CPU M 540 @ 2.53 GHz x4
- Graphics: Intel Ironlake Mobile
- includes battery and power supply
- $100 or best offer plus shipping
Lenovo ThinkPad T410
- currently running Ubuntu Linux 19.04
- 240 GB SSD (solid state drive)
- i5 Processor M540 @ 2.53 GHz x4
- Graphics: NVS 3100M/PCIe/SSE2
- comes with two batteries and one power supply
- $150 or best offer plus shipping
Both laptops will be wiped out and have a fresh install of Linux on them. No Windows keys provided with these computers. Stickers will remain on the T410, you can decide if you want them or not.
Avengers: Endgame.
My husband and I are back from seeing “Avengers: Endgame”. I won’t go into details about the plot, so I shall keep this short. The three hour running time felt less than an hour. It’s beautiful to look at, the story is solid, and the acting is well done. By far it was my favorite “Avengers” movie and I give it a solid A+.
And I must say, I really, really like Brie Larson as Captain Marvel. Her part was just one of an all around phenomenal cast, but wow, I really like her portrayal of the character.
We’ll probably see the movie again. Worth every penny and then some.
Data Terminal Systems.
In 1979 our local grocery store, which we called “the P&C” and was actually called “P&C Foods”, upgraded their checkout systems from the venerable mechanical NCR Class 5 cash registers to Electronic Cash Registers made by Data Terminal Systems of Maynard, Massachusetts. I’ve included a photo of the type of cash register above; photo courtesy of a screen cap from a Shutterstock video. I don’t know who the cashier is, and the video is from another grocery store somewhere else in the country, but she seems friendly enough.
The P&C installed Data Terminal Systems Model 440 cash registers. These electronic cash registers replaced the functions of their mechanical predecessors in that prices were still entered by the cashier, departments were selected, and there was no scanning available at the time. Other store chains in the area had these new electronic cash registers as well and being the young geek I was at the time, I was able to identify by the printing on the receipt whether the store in question went with the “Series 400” cash registers or the more simplistic (but still quite capable) “Series 300” cash registers. I do remember the Series 400 cash registers were able to do rudimentary price look ups; at “The P&C”, a “53 PL#” followed by a price on the receipt meant my mother bought a loaf of Wonder Bread. After the “53 PL#” was a price, like “.99 GR”. Nowhere did it indicate this was a loaf of bread, it was something I had to figure out for myself.
I was fascinated with these electronic cash registers and through hours and hours of careful studying of the receipts my mother left in the bottom of grocery bags, I was able to figure out how these cash registers worked. A watchful eye of cashiers at work helped my observational understanding. Two cashiers at “the P&C” were a favorite; one was named Delores and she was a gangly sort of young woman always stationed on Register #2. Another, a woman by the name of Betty Brown, was the personification of a sigh; she always seemed resigned to her job and she was usually on Register #1. She didn’t move as quickly on the DTS 440 as Delores did on Register #2.
There isn’t a lot of information online about Data Terminal Systems of Maynard, Mass. My scant research has revealed that it was led by a pilot by the name of Bob Collings of Stow, Mass. From what I am able to gather, he left Digital Equipment Corporation, also of Maynard, Mass. (and a company I worked for in the late 1980s) and struck out on his own after Sears & Roebuck approaches Digital to have them computerize their point of sale operations and CEO and founder Ken Olsen turned down the opportunity. Apparently Mr. Collings felt there was ample opportunity for Electronic Cash Registers that were able to chat with one another in the marketplace, and he, along with other DECcies, formed Data Terminal Systems.
At one time I had a large collection of receipts from these cash registers, as I saved that sort of thing while I studied them, but I believe they have long been lost. After all, it’s been decades.
I would love to find one of the cash registers in a thrift store or flea market to see if I can figure out how they tick. From the little information available online about DTS, I believe they were 4-bit machines, with processors made by Rockwell. The earlier models didn’t have scanning, but all models were designed to by upgraded to a more powerful model by field personnel. I do know they had “Star Trek (The Original Series)” look to them and I found them very nifty. I can still hear the distinct sounds of the Seiko EP-101 (later known as “Epson”) printer in my head.
My search continues for equipment by Data Terminal Systems. I hope to create a website dedicated to the memories and information of this company that started the Electronic Cash Register revolution as we know it today.
Maybe one day I’ll stumble across one of these registers at a flea market here in Chicago. I know these machines are what got me started in computers to begin with.
Trained Geek.
Three points of geekdom:
- Yes, I wrote an iOS Shortcut to easily record every train I ride on the ‘L’.
- Sometimes I ride the same car twice in one day
- Sometimes I hop cars at an intermediate stop, usually on the Red Line, because well, it’s the Red Line.