Fun and Games Dept


Photo from Yelp.

I just enjoyed probably the best massage in my life at Sir Spa here in Chicago. Located in Andersonville, Sir Spa bills itself as “the ultimate Chicago spa for men”. There’s plenty of mood lighting and music to get you in a relaxed state of mind. The locker room amenities are awesome. And the slate of services offered is plentiful.

Antonio sent 90-minutes kneading and rubbing every knot out of this middle aged body and I feel absolutely wonderful. While I just laid there on the table while Antonio did his thing my mind wandered and problems were solved. The sky cleared, my skin cleared, and my mind cleared. I’m ready to tackle the work week.

Good thing tomorrow is Friday.


So Earl and I stood in line for around 15 minutes at the Popeye’s down the street for their returning Chicken Sandwich. Anticipation for this day has apparently been big, and the Lakeview Popeye’s in Chicago was well staffed and well stocked for The Big Day.

My husband and I were the last ones to fit in the door; folks behind us had to wait in line outside for a few moments. Luckily, the weather was sort of warm this evening.

The sandwich was very good and probably better than the equivalent from Chick-Fil-A. I enjoyed the “classic” version; Earl had the spicy version, which he enjoyed very much.

The crowd was very interesting. It was a smattering of apparent socio-economic standings as well as several different gender representations. People were cordial and everyone was talking to everyone else about wanting the chicken sandwich. There were mentions of the other chicken place and the absence of hate here at Popeye’s.

All in all it was a good experience and an enjoyable meal.


We had an inch or two of snow fall on Halloween. Today the majority of it melted, though there’s still some snow covered accoutrements here and there. As the snow melted, the leaves fell. It added to the spooky ambience of the season.

I’m waiting to see what neighbor fires up the Christmas lights first.


I’m not a huge fan of Halloween. When I was a kid I didn’t really plan any costumes ahead of time or something; I’d just throw a sheet over my head or where a pair of shorts or roller skates or something. Growing up in the Lake Ontario Snowbelt it was always a crap shoot as to whether we’d be wearing ski jackets over our costumes or not.

One of my strongest memories of Trick or Treating is riding in the backseat of my Aunt’s Datsun B210 through a blinding snow storm between my great Aunt Rena’s and great Aunt Frances’ houses. They both lived on the same road about three miles apart. I remember the ride between their houses being about 20 minutes long.

That’s how we celebrated Halloween in the Lake Ontario snowbelt.

They’re predicting a dusting of snow tomorrow here in Chicagoland. Per the vibe of the 21st Century social media is flipping out, newscasters are having fits, and weather forecasters are having discreet orgasms.

It’s a dusting of snow. Have an extra piece of candy and calm down.