I was just on LinkedIn. For some reason my feed is now populated with political screaming and posturing, which honestly, would stop me from hiring any of the smiling headshots flinging the crap at their wall like so many chimps with so much poop.
I really wish we were living in a society where it was considered rude to be so demonstrative about your religion or politics.
I decided to look at the November 2024 election numbers for the first time. Let’s review.
Per multiple sources, including the University of Florida Election Lab:
* 245 million Americans are eligible to vote
Per fec.gov, the breakdown of votes is this:
* Harris 75,017,613
* Trump 77,302,580
* other 2,918,109
That totals 155,238,302 votes.
So, out of approximately 245,000,000 eligible voters, 37% of those voters were either too lazy, making a stand, or just too overcome with grief over the choices and simply didn’t vote.
So American (he says sarcastically).
Of the votes cast, 1.9% of the voters voted for a third party candidate. Fair, after all, they have the right to vote for whom they want and this was their way of showing they’re taking a stand. I think our two party system absolutely sucks but this wasn’t the election to grab my pearls and vote for someone that had absolutely no chance in hell of winning and furthermore, being part of a 1.9% of voters that think they’re being all high and mighty doesn’t really appeal to me.
It’s a selfish move.
However, even if every third party voter had voted for Harris, she would have won but only by 600,000 votes and we all know that we’d probably still be mired in legal battles. There’d be screaming and gnashing about voter fraud, even though with Trump winning apparently all the voter fraud magically disappeared.
Funny how that happens.
So, while I want to verbally assault one of the 1.9%, not only did their vote NOT make a difference, it probably wouldn’t have made a difference in the long run. They made doubly sure to make sure they don’t matter. Slow hand clap for them.
And look, y’all can vote for whomever you want. But hopefully you realized that a second Trump term was going to be an absolute shitshow and it already is. I’m not a fan of either of the mainstream parties strangling Washington but this was an election where we had to select the most likely candidate to actually win, because the Mango Mushpot option was going to be a revenge campaign. And it is.
No, the ultimate issue with Trump winning is with the approximately 37% of Americans who are too stupid to not do their patriotic duty and vote in the first place. Such good citizens (he says sarcastically). They’re the reason our political discourse is such a crapfest these days. I’ll give a pass to 2% of those non-voting Americans for having a legitimate excuse for not voting. But the rest of them are to blame, just as much as the folks that apparently have no moral foundation and couldn’t possibly bring themselves to vote for a black woman so they voted for a convicted felon with an agenda that could have been printed out by the Taliban but they slapped the word Christian on it and think it’s ‘the way’. Oh, believe me, Kamala Harris is a fine woman and an upstanding citizen. She was probably one of the most qualified candidates to run for president in modern history. However, Joe Biden and all the Democrats completely screwed the country with their approach to the candidacy in 2024. Let me state this plainly: The Democrats are just as much of the problem as the Republicans and their cult. I do not trust the Democrats any more than I trust the Republicans.
But that 37% of Americans that didn’t vote? The words I have are not nice.