
I took a look at the news today and saw what’s going on with the U.S. budget and how the government will probably shut down tonight. I feel bad for all of the working Americans that will be affected by this action. Apparently there was a bipartisan bill to keep things moving but at the last minute Sissy Space X got the House Republicans to kill the thing, so now there’s a scramble.

There’s always a scramble.

I’ve been seeing inklings of how Musk appears to be calling all the Presidential-elect shots and basically telling Trump to do. I guess since Musk isn’t eligible to be President of the United States, he just bought his way to the top instead and is telling the old guy what to do. 

That’s not how any of this works, but I gave up that dream at the beginning of November when voters decided one term of chaos wasn’t enough. I blathered on about it on Facebook just because I could. I really didn’t think the Co-Presidency would be so blatant this time around. I guess I’m not as smart as I thought I was. Or, I guess I had more faith in the system that it deserves.

For now I shall go back to keeping my head down like I’m sitting in Room 108 in the elementary school, waiting for the buzzer to ring so I know it’s time go do something. 

In the meanwhile, I am focused on things that give me joy, such as my video production, geeky things like cash registers, visiting with family and friends, and trying to embrace the holiday spirit. 

It’s time to shut the news back off and find some joy out there, anywhere.