Point of No Return.

Here’s a live performance of Nu Shooz’s “Point of No Return” from 1986. I’ve always loved this song; and the bump up in tempo for the live version is quite enjoyable. Another gem from my senior year of high school. I used to crank this up on 93Q, The Number One Hit Music Station in Syracuse, N.Y.

I think the interwebs has the lyrics wrong… I hear this in verse one:

“I was your friend, and you were mine
You’ve been around for a long, long time,
I’ve known you then, but not like now,
something has changed and I don’t know how… ”

“Genius” on the Google search, whatever that is, has it all wrong. Bandcamp has it right.

Lead singer Valerie Day seems like a lot fun, it’s a shame I never met her during my days in radio. This track is from Nu Shooz’s album “Poolside”. I usually listen to it while out on the Great Plains during storm chasing season.
