March 9, 2024


Truman has been in a rather cute mood this week. His typical routine usually involves sauntering to my office in the morning, standing on his cat tree until we “play ball”, and then staring at me until he gets two treats twice from the ceramic dish in my office.

Playing ball involves me throwing a NERF gun yellow and black ball in his direction and him swatting it back at me. He’s pretty good at getting the ball back to me, but I see his grin when the human has to do the fetching of the ball. Interestingly, he’s the first predominately “right pawed” cat that’s been in my life; his predecessors all used their left paw when playing with balls and other toys back in the day.

So back to his routine. This week Truman has been wanting to spend much more time with me in my office during the workday. He often settled in for a bath and a nap at my feet.

Another change in routine occurred last night. Earl and I were watching “The Lincoln Lawyer” and Truman decided he needed a new place to enjoy the festivities.

This is only the second time in our history together that he’s situated himself on my chest. but he got settled in, all 17 pounds of him, and purred until he fell into a cat nap. When I moved slightly he immediately hopped off and resumed his snooze on the couch snuggled in between his two Dad.