January 24, 2024


Forty years ago today, the world was introduced to Macintosh.

And here’s the famous commercial (4K Restoration) that prepped the world for what was coming from Apple.

What Time Is It?

This alarm clock has been a staple on my nightstand for over 30 years. Every time I wake up in the middle of the night, and that happens quite a bit, I glance at the clock to see what time it is. I then do math to figure out how much more sleep I can get. And the result often causes a bit of midnight anxiety.

I don’t need anxiety in my life.

The truth of the matter is that if it’s dark and my alarm hasn’t gone off yet, do I really care what time it is? The facts (darkness, no alarm) point to my eligibility for sleep and who really cares how much of that sleep remains? Sleep is sleep so get some sleep.

So I have stored this old faithful alarm clock in my drawer for a few nights to see if it helps reduce my anxiety when I wake up in the middle of the night and decide I must know what time it is. A few more steps to controlling the chaos.