Before the quarantine we used to enjoy eating brunch at one of the many places we have nearby here in Chicago. The Windy City is a pretty brunch-centric place and many of the restaurants offered a wonderful spin on the experience. It was an experience I would look forward to.
After six(?) weeks of quarantine and all sit-down restaurants being closed, I’m finding I enjoy weekend brunch at home more than the dining out experience. Now, I’m quite lucky because I’m married to a man who definitely knows his way around the kitchen, so perhaps my perception is a bit biased.
This got me to thinking; after the COVID-19 pandemic is part of history and no longer part of the present, what lessons will we learn from this experience? I’d like to think we’d be a little more caring as a society. Perhaps we won’t be as eager to be on the run trying to do the latest and greatest thing all the time. Will we have learned to ramp back the pacing just a bit?
Judging by the number of people storming capital buildings to demand businesses open up so they can get a haircut or a manicure, I don’t think the U.S. will change all that much in the greater scheme of things. Other parts of the world may adapt, may slow down, may appreciate what they have right at home, but too many people in the U.S. seem to thrive at a frenetic pace, hence the frenzy of folks protesting safety precautions.
I’m going to concentrate on slowing down a little bit and most importantly, finding ways to better connect with the Universe again. If these grand thoughts are a result of skipping an overpriced brunch at an eatery, so be it.
Any start is a great start.