Thank You.

Dear Christmas Tree 2011,

This evening you were relieved of your duty of bringing wonder and fulfillment to this year’s Christmas and New Year’s festivities.

Your task was not an easy one this year. Prior Christmas Trees that held this duty had an easier time of it. Our December got off to a rough start, and there were times when we felt like we weren’t going to find the joy that one expects in the holiday season. But every time I walked into our Great Room, there you were, looking lovely, green, festive and heartwarming.

You stood strong, didn’t shed hardly any needles and you added a beautiful aroma to our home long after it was expected of you. Your beauty brought a smile to our face and helped boost our moods when we needed a little boost. Your reminders always hit home.

Your presence embodied the love that never left us this holiday season and for that we say thank you. Thank you for sharing our Christmas with us.