February 23, 2010


Apple has started screening and/or removing apps for adult content on their app store for the iPhone/iPod Touch. This will also extend to the iPad when it is available.

While I’m not a huge fan of this sort of thing (Apple censoring their app offerings in this manner), I sort of get where they are coming from with this. I think Apple can easily restructure their store to age appropriate offerings and I encourage them to do so.

In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy PUMA guy from time to time.


So on Sunday when we were in New York a very handsome man crossed our path. I immediately noticed his brownish-blond beard as he made his way up the street in front of us. I noticed him and then I did a double-take. It was then that I realized that I knew that furry face. I yelled out his name to see if my suspicions were correct and he turned in my direction.

It was then that we met Jimbo face to face for the first time. He was racing to catch a bus so we weren’t able to chat much but we shook hands and I introduced him to Earl and Jamie.

It’s always fun to meet another blogger on the street.

Stormy Weather, Part 2.

The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Storm Warning for our area. We are expected to get …

… drum roll please …

… six to 12 inches of snow before Wednesday morning.

I don’t know when half a foot of snow became such an urgent matter in Upstate New York but the warning has blared on the Emergency Alert System and has been blasted on radio and television stations in the area.

I get it if downstate gets that much snow, they’re not used to it. But up here? That’s what we are known for!

When did this region become so pussified?

Stormy Weather.

My alarm clock is set to wake me to the local NPR station. Honestly, it’s a waste of the alarm clock to use the local NPR station as the station of choice because the alarm clock has HD radio built into it and the sound quality of our NPR station is anything but “HD”. Because of obsession with time, my alarm clock is set precisely to the atomic clock. When the alarm goes off at the top of the hour, NPR is firing off the national news. I usually listen to that, then the local weather forecast, before hopping out of bed and starting my day.

I’m not a huge fan of the weatherman on the local station. He tends to be overly dramatic whenever there’s anything more than a stray puffy cloud in the sky. I don’t want that. I want the forecast delivered in a calm, rational manner. If I want hysteria I can certainly find it elsewhere.

This morning this weatherman went on and on about storms moving into the area. He was quite concerned about snowstorms moving into the area, even though it is February here in Upstate New York and we have seen snow here as late as Mother’s Day.

As he went on and on and he got more and more excited. I pictured him jumping up and down with excitement in his little home studio from where he calls his forecast into the stations that contract him. I wondered if he was wearing sweatpants.

He then started talking about the “Grand Daddy of all storms” moving up from the Carolinas. There was something about Western New England and some swirling over the Hudson Valley, a retrograde and then some Atlantic moisture.

This “Grand Daddy Of All Storms” was going to dump … wait for it… “possibly as much as a foot of snow in some parts of the listening area.”

Big friggin’ whoopdie doo.

“Grand Daddy Of All Storms”? “Up to a foot”?

In 1994 our area had over four feet dumped on us in less than 12 hours.

In 2008 or 2009 (senile moment), parts of the listening area had nine feet dumped on them in 36 hours.

“Up to a foot?”

I had visions of having to contract a road snow plow to clean out our driveway before he announced expected accumulation. I had thoughts of 2012 coming early with this Grand Daddy Of All Storms bringing a white armageddon down upon us. I was ready for Judgement Day.

“Grand Daddy Of All Storms”. “Up to a foot.”

It was then that I jumped out of bed, slammed my finger down on the power button and then reprogrammed the radio to a different station for further alarm duties.

I don’t need unwarranted hysteria like that in the morning and especially from an NPR affiliate.