June 9, 2009


129.365, originally uploaded by iMachias.

Earl went out to dinner with business associates today (and can you believe that neither Larry nor Louise invited me to join them! Well!) so when I got home from work I decided to throw on the rollerblades and hit the canal trails.

I like rollerblading very much though I have to admit that I’m not super good at it. I frighten folks including small children with my “barely maintaining balance” stance, but for the most part I am able to get from point A to point B and back without breaking, scraping or jarring any random body part. I like to remain intact after working out. I was able to get about 5 km of rollerblading in before deciding I had met my quota for the day and heading home. It was a good feeling. My legs were a little trembly on the drive home but overall I was feeling the endorphin high.

Motivated by the rush of good vibes I was feeling from the much needed exercise, I decided to spruce up my bike a little bit by ordering new pedals, cleats and cycling shoes. I found a really good deal online and though there is some assembly required I figure that I’ll be good to go when the package arrives at the end of the week. The original shoes, cleats and pedals lasted for about 3000 miles (and I loved them very much); I’m figuring these will last for at least that distance as I did go for a higher caliber of equipment. I’ll be good to go when I go cycling with Thom later in the season.

I have no idea why I rollerblade in kilometers and pedal in miles.

Whilst rollerblading today a woman commented on my t-shirt; I was wearing one of my favourite workout shirts, a leftover from the radio station I used to work at. The station went off the air in 2001 so there’s probably not that many shirts left out in the public (though we handed out around 2000 or so during the run of the station). She said “I remember that station!” I like to hear that because it makes me feel like I made some sort of impression somewhere along the way and it’s a good way to stroke my ego. A couple of weeks ago Earl and Jamie and I were shopping at Old Navy and the clerk said “Didn’t you use to be on the radio?” Earl rolled his eyes as my ego was stroked and I purred.

There are many ways to motivate me.