Holiday Rush.

The madcap rush of the holidays continues tonight as Earl and I join my sister and Mom in Syracuse for dinner. My sister is leaving for Moscow tomorrow, where her Canadian hockey player boyfriend is currently located as he plays hockey for a Russian team. So tonight it’s a little bon voyage party and we’ll do Christmas as we did last year: over the webcam.

I am finally on my way with Christmas shopping. One of my gifts for Earl arrived yesterday, piquing his curiosity as the box is quite heavy. This is really our “together” gift that I bought for both of us outside of my allotted budget. I look forward to more packages arriving up until the holidays, because nothing says “Merry Christmas” like some well-placed pointing and clicking.

I had a big meeting this morning with the manager of the department I work in. It was a good meeting. I’m looking forward to what the future holds.

Now, back to the holiday rush.