Well this is distressing. I just typed a huge entr…

Well this is distressing. I just typed a huge entry in my blog and good old DirecPC decided to disconnect for a bit and good old M$ Internet Explorer decided to lose it. Gosh, I hate Microsoft. Gosh, I hate DirecPC. Isn’t that statement full of love and warmth for the holiday season. 🙂

We had a wonderful trip to Philly – it was great to get together with everyone. We had lunch at Chick-Fil-A (of course) and then went to Earl’s dad’s for the annual party. It was festive and LOUD (lots of little kids) but a great time was had by all. We got home around midnight on Christmas Eve and did the smart thing and put the plow on the truck because…

… we got 30 inches of snow on Christmas Day. That’s right – 2 1/2 feet. The roads were barely plowed and my folks barely made it here – but everyone made it safely and a good time was had by all. It took my Dad 3 1/2 hours to make a 45 minute trip but that’s was o.k. Everyone was in the festive spirit.

Today Earl and I are celebrating our six year anniversary. I can’t believe it’s been six years! I look across the computer desk at him right now and I can’t believe how much in love I am with him. Words cannot express it. And they say these things don’t last. Well what do “they” know.
