

This is a 765kv power line in Upstate New York. At one time I could stand under this line with fluorescent bulbs and they’d light up in my hands. 

This line runs northward from a large switch yard in Marcy and goes to Massena. From there it continues its march in a northeasterly direction, connecting to power flowing down from Hydro-Québec. 

As an “all things connected” geek, power interconnections like this are fascinating. I spent nearly 48 years living in the northeast with this peculiar interest. I’ve studied the power grid, especially the portion of the Eastern Interconnection in the northeast.

We probably want to remain friendly with the folks that control Hydro-Québec, since that 765kv line (along with quite a few others, including a couple of 345kv circuits in Northern New York) is bringing power down from Canada into the U.S. portion of the Eastern Interconnection.

I’m just a geek, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to get cranky with your neighbors.