He’s A Feline.


Truman has to occasionally inspect the merchandise. I was trying to take a cute side-by-side selfie but he thought it’d be best to sniff and lick my head.

These things happen.


Truman takes a moment to see what’s going on while we watched the season premiere of “The Expanse” last night.


While we are in Palm Springs, the rest of the family is graciously taking care of Truman, making sure he has food and water, a clean litter box, a little bit of recreation time, and most importantly, some kitty treats here and there.

Mike and Chris had a visitor for lunch the other day and shared a photo with us on the family chat. Truman seems happy while his Daddy and Papa are traveling.


Truman keeps an eye on a fly and the football game in the other room on Thanksgiving day.


Truman always likes to be nearby, but not on you or snuggled up to you. It’s just his way.


Truman keeps an eye on the hummingbird in the tree. He occasionally makes a squeaking noise that’s usually reserved for when he’s chasing the laser dot. He’s not happy about having to wear a harness when he’s on an outdoor stroll but he accepts the practice as fact. The harness slows him down just enough that he would be easy to catch if he decided to make a run for it.

He tends to stay on the sidewalk or the patio; he doesn’t enjoy the stone that makes up our “lawn”.


Truman has been pretty chilled out. Today we bought a new harness so he could safely explore around the property with supervision. Even though the harness is a different color, it’s the exact same model we had in Chicago, and he was purring like a maniac as soon as I put it on him. When it was time to come in and I took it off, he attacked it like he always does.

He was still purring.

I snapped a photo while in his meditative state on Friday.


Truman is allowed on the bottom shelf of the cabinet in the kitchen. He enjoys this vantage point.


Jamie snapped a photo of Truman giving us his opinion on the new furniture arrangement in our Great Room.


Truman enjoys hanging out on my office window sill but only before 10 a.m. His routine can be as predictable as mine. We both enjoy the desert sun.