He’s A Feline.


An orange tabby cat named Truman sits attentively on a wooden cat furniture piece, gazing out a sunlit window. A scratching post is visible in the background, illuminated by warm natural light.

Truman had his annual visit with the vet this week. He’s still a big boy but not getting any bigger and appears to be in excellent health for a seven year old male cat. He was not pleased with the short ride to the vet, but he was happy to get home.

Here, as he gazes out my office window, he is contemplating these crazy humans under his care


It’s Caturday! For the last few days, Truman has spent most of the day in my office while I’ve been working. He’s found my chair to be quite comfortable. Occasionally he jumps up on the window sill next to his cat perch to get a look at what’s going on and then stare at me until I have dispensed a treat.


Happy #caturday! For the New Year I cleaned out several of the bookshelf bins in my office. Truman decided to check out my progress by pulling out one of the empty bins, and then decided it was now his.


Truman has a new litter box. A gift from the family, his new litter box clears itself and lets me know (via WiFi) when it needs attention.

Truman adapted to this new device quickly. He seems content.


This photo was taken on Tuesday evening.

We washed Truman’s cat bed this week because it was way overdue for such attention. Apparently he is not pleased by this action because up until yesterday afternoon, he chose to ignore his cat bed and sleep on top of his little cat-hideaway, which he almost never does.  

At least he’s keeping an eye on the Network Attached Storage (NAS) server.

This photo was taken Friday afternoon. All is back to being correct in the cat world.


Truman reminded me that it was still Caturday in Mountain Standard Time by giving me a tap on the arm while I was putting together my latest video. He then gave me a glare, reminding me he had glared in a photo I had taken in my office earlier this week.


Truman likes to pose for a casual shoulder shot from time to time, especially in low light which highlights his color patterns beautifully.


Truman ponders the status of the treats as he gazes out my office window. He enjoys looking at me, and occasionally the funny little humans that appear on the screen in front of the hooman. The others ask questions about the large cat.

He won’t answer questions unless there’s a treat.


Truman enjoys staying close, but not too close, when I’m working. He is not one for sitting on my lap or jumping on the desk or anything like that. If he’s not on the floor, he’s on the cat tree in my office, which gives him a nice view out the window and to all the strange humans on a Zoom call.


Truman has decided that Lucky looks quite comfortable when he sleeps in the hallway in a certain position, so Truman has decided to adopt the same approach to sleeping in the kitchen.