
The city side of my family was big into bowling. Grandparents and great uncles and great aunts all participated in bowling leagues. Grandma City was often found on the “Davenport” on Saturday afternoons watching people bowl on the television. It was a way of life.

My work sponsored an employee bowling tournament in the spirit of team building. It’s an interesting thing, building a team across several continents in places where there may not be another employee from the same company for more than a hundred miles. In these Work From Home instances, we were encouraged to take half a day off and go bowling with our family. To enter into the tournament we needed to take some photos, submit our scores, etc.

Earl and Jamie went bowling with me and we had a really nice time. I thought it would be dead on a Monday afternoon but half the lanes were in use. I’m not much of a bowler, but I did my best.