I am a football wife. It’s official. Just a few m…

I am a football wife. It’s official. Just a few minutes ago, as Earl was watching the Eagles vs. the Giants on Monday Night Football, I poured him a glass a beer and gave him a bowl of pretzels to enjoy. I stayed in the kitchen and baked bread and did the ironing. How unbelieveable is that. The smile on Earl’s face when I gave him snack made it all worthwhile though.

I’ve been in some sort of weird funk today. I can’t put my finger on the reason – it’s not that I’m depressed or anything. Maybe it’s just the Monday blahs. This too shall pass. Tomorrow is another day.

I had a wonderful workout again this morning. The second day is always the hardest. I just need to adjust my routine so that I can work in my workout every morning before going to work. I felt great afterwards and I felt much more productive at work today, so I know it’s a good thing….

I see the counter on our home page is stuck at “1” again. What’s up with that. Frontpage 2002 can be so unpredictable. I think I “broke” the counter when I was messing around with the code last night. Who needs a counter anyways. Not having a counter will add to the mystery of how many people are keeping tabs on us.

I just purchased a “learn French in your car” CD series from Amazon. I’m going to make another go of becoming fluent in French. More specifically, I’d like to speak Quebecois so that I could navigate in Montréal and Québec City. I’d like to go to Montréal for New Year’s this year, and then maybe Québec City next summer. We’ll have to see. I’m intrigued to see how this learning the language in the car thing works out. It has received great reviews online, let’s see if I can become another success story.

Earl and I watched “American Dreams” off of TiVo this evening. I’m really liking that show. I hope it continues to succeed, because we are really into it.