September 8, 2024


I miss the sense of wonder I had when sitting in the back seat of the Heavy Chevy at age six, wondering where that road went, and where that airplane was coming from.

I miss the smiles both my grandmothers had when I walked into the room. They were completely different but either smile made me feel so loved.

I wish people kept their nationalism to themselves.

I wish it was still considered rude to be prideful about your religious beliefs.

I feel like society reached peak technology around 2007. A lot of tech beyond that is iterative and rather unnecessary.

I’m bummed that while chasing storms I discovered that capitalism has turned charming small towns into carbon copies of one another, all with the same big box stores.

I miss dot matrix printers that were too slow to print yards of marketing messages and gimmicky coupons.

I’m tired of Arizona heat this summer.

I want to spend a day just watching airplanes and trains.

I really miss hanging with better pilots than me at the airport.

I want the old Twitter back.

I miss blogs.

Hiking Mount Lemmon: Behind The Scenes.

My latest video shows a little bit behind the scenes as I capture my hiking adventures on Mount Lemmon. Plus, there’s plenty of beautiful scenery to enjoy. Here’s a link to all the fun, with plenty of information available in the video description.