August 27, 2024


Kamala Harris’ speech at the DNC last week was so inspiring. Her words gave me hope. Her passion for this country is inspiring. I haven’t felt hope like this in a very long time.

So after this amazing speech, CNN cuts to a bunch of pundits sharing their comments on the situation and then John King slicing and dicing every word, every number, every scenario.

Why can’t we just seize the moment, let the hope breathe a little bit, before we delve into the nightmare also known as “The Electoral College”. Can we live in the moment? Can we enjoy the feeling of hope? For an hour? For a week? Maybe through November.

Seize the hope. Let is breathe. We can look at the numbers after the nightmare is over.

John King … shut up.

Achieving Our Desires.

Fellow blogger Cole B wrote a blog entry I find quite inspiring. In the entry he shares his thoughts around a post he saw on The Art of Manliness, which is about the mindset and intentionality around achieving our desires.

To win and secure the thing you seek, your desire must be potent enough to energize and animate, but not so all-consuming it smothers and corrupts. You must want it, but not need it. – The Art of Manliness

I encourage readers to take a peek a look at Cole B’s entry. I hope you find the same motivation I felt while reading his post.