Old School.

I am writing this blog entry on the newest addition to my geek space. Today’s addition is a brand new Raspberry Pi 5 with 8GB RAM.

This little computer is amazing.

In the background of the window I’m using to write this entry, I have an instance of Firefox showing my local weather radar. I have access to all my files through Dropbox and the household NAS (Network Attached Storage) unit. I can get to my Macs. I can get to my other Linux machines.

All using a computer the size of a deck of a cards.

The software I’m using, as pictured in the screen shot above, is called WordGrinder. It’s an old school word processor; the type of which was found back in my young geek days when I worked for Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) in the late 1980s. I opt to use a font that mimics the font on my old 12-inch CRT monitor from back in the day. WordGrinder is free and is perfect for those looking for an old school word processing experience. Better yet, it is the perfect way to force focus while writing, as there’s no other distractions going on. I’m using an application dedicated for writing and it throws my geeky brain chemistry into warp speed.

Little things like this is why I love technology.