August 19, 2024

Project 2025.

Please carve 30 minutes out of your week this week and watch this explanation of The Heritage Foundation’s “Project 2025”.

Your vote for Trump is a vote for my husband and me to not only not be married, but for us to basically not exist in society anymore. And that’s just one small part of a incredibly dystopian mess of a plan.

I’ll repeat: your vote for Trump is a vote for Project 2025. Your vote for Trump is a vote for this dystopian nightmare.

And as an added bonus, for any rural folks stopping by, Project 2025 also ends government funding for crop insurance and ends all subsidies for American farmers.


Our new(ish) car has Apple CarPlay (and Android Auto) built into the entertainment system. It’s a corded affair but it meets our needs and after going for years without the functionality in our Jeep Cherokee, we have enjoyed using Apple CarPlay.

Most of the time.

I have a love-hate relationship with Apple Maps. At times it shows us traffic lights that aren’t there, or it labels roads with route numbers that never came to fruition. But I think the biggest frustration I have with Apple Maps is that it doesn’t “plan ahead” when displaying maps in rural areas and cell signal is suddenly lost.

As you can see, I have apparently driven off the edge of the planet, even though I still have a 5G signal on my iPhone. Whereas Google Maps will download ahead as we drive merrily along, Apple Maps doesn’t seem to be as proactive in the practice. Google Maps has other issues, hence the reason I use Apple Maps.

Maybe there’s a setting or something that I need to tweak. In the meanwhile, it’s a bit maddening driving in a pedestrian version of a Tron grid.