Da Rut.

I am writing this at 06:06 Mountain Standard Time. I have just completed a 32 mile walk around the neighborhood, following the same route I have taken every morning this week. I have waved to the neighbors out on their walk, at just about the same location along the route, with maybe 50 feet of deviation from the norm at any given interaction.

I cleared the same 11 spam email messages out of my inbox this morning. I’m never going to buy anything from these companies again and for the life of me I can’t figure out why all the A.I. magic in the world can’t figure out this fact.

I will eat a homemade “egg bite”, as prepared by my husband this past Sunday. It will be the last one in the storage container in the refrigerator. I will have two cups of coffee, black, before 10:00 a.m. and then a cup of coffee, black after lunch to get my afternoon a little pep, unless I feel extra frisky and ask Earl to bring me home an unsweetened iced tea from Dunkin’ Donuts or Starbucks while he’s out running errands.

I’ll finish up my work week around 04:00 p.m. / 16:00 Mountain Standard Time, in which I will either have one beer or a glass of wine as I look over the news events of the day. I enjoy one alcoholic beverage after work on Fridays because it’s the last work day of the week. I will also review my list of work accomplishments of the week, which are many but I couldn’t list them right now for you if my life depended on it.

I’ll be in bed by 22:00 / 10:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time. This is in preparation of getting up to go hiking in the morning. In between supper and bed I may do one of three things: 1. watching thunderstorms, depending on Mother Nature’s mood, 2. go for a ride with Earl and drive to a scenic spot to enjoy a few moments in nature and some together time in the car, or 3. watch some television. Whichever ends up happening, I will spend a few moments putting together the video equipment for tomorrow’s hike and jot down a few notes of where I want to go and what I want to talk about on my next video.

My life is too predictable at the moment. While I enjoy structure in my life, there are times when I need a few fits of spontaneity to keep the structure making sense.

I’m feeling the need for one of those fits.