August 6, 2024

Long Flight.

So there’s a pilot currently flying a Cessna 172 from Merced, California to Honolulu, Hawaii. Today I learned this is somewhat common; these ferry flights get new airplanes over to Hawaii when the winds are favorable and the weather is cooperative.

Working strictly from memory, a typical Cessna 172 has a range of about 650 nautical miles. This particular trip is nearly 2500 miles. For these flights these airplanes are fitted with extra fuel tanks, and the pilot makes the trip in around 18 hours.

That’s a LOT of time sitting in a Cessna 172.

I’m going to follow this flight on FlightAware to its completion.


I’ve been on a casual, retro vibe t-shirt craze lately. Here’s the latest t-shirt to enter the paradigm. This limited run UNIX t-shirt from Cotton Bureau arrived yesterday and I am very much enjoying it.

For those not familiar with UNIX, it’s an operating system that’s been around for decades. Technically, Apple products run on a variant of UNIX, and Linux is based on the principles of UNIX. When I worked for Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) back in the late ’80s and early ’90s, they had a variant of UNIX called Ultrix, which was frowned upon within the company because it competed with DEC’s VAX/VMS operating system.