October 12, 2023

Las Vegas, Nevada.

We are in Las Vegas for a long weekend. The drive across the desert was pleasant today, though there was some slow going around Wickenburg, Arizona due to construction. I mentioned to Earl that it’s still weird to me that there was never a direct Interstate connection between Phoenix and Las Vegas built into the system back in the ’50s when they were planning this sort of thing. He reminded me the desert cities were much smaller back then. Signs along US Route 93 remind us it’s part of the “Future Interstate 11 Corridor”, but I doubt that’ll be finished my lifetime. There’s not much between Wickenburg and Kingman; but the drive is pleasant.

We are settled in at the Downtown Grand for a long weekend. We don’t have a lot in the way of plans. I can amuse myself just by people watching. I love doing this. We’ll probably gamble a little.

Maybe we’ll win a lot.