August 20, 2023



We decided to go for a ride yesterday. The news was making such waves about Hurricane Hilary that I decided it’d be fun to drive westward to see what all the hype was about.

We ran into a little rain, but we were also 24 hours ahead of schedule.

The drive from Tucson to Ajo via the appropriately named Tucson-Ajo highway, (State Route 86) is enjoyable, if desolate. The vast majority of the route crosses through the Tohono O’odham Nation. We took a slight detour to drive through the business district of Sells, where we saw a few wild horses and roaming cattle in the streets. We also passed by Kitt Peak National Observatory, but many signs let us know the road up there was closed so we didn’t get to see what that was all about. Instead I snapped a photo from the main road.

We had lunch in Ajo at the Agave Cafe, where there were two other customers and friendly folks working behind the counter. It was an enjoyable experience and it was nice to strike up some conversation with the other folks. One woman was visiting from Ticonderoga, New York. When she found out we had lived in the Mohawk Valley she asked if we missed it and we said, “not really”, the weather in Tucson is much more enjoyable.

We made our way up to Gila Bend and then to Maricopa before jumping on Interstate 10 to make our way home. Overall is was a very pleasant day.


So I’m trying out the latest social craze, BlueSky. Or is it Blue Sky. Or is it bsky?

Whatever it is called, I’m called over there.