March 24, 2018


I’m writing this blog entry as a reminder. I have it bookmarked across my devices.

Last night we took a “Minnie Van” to dinner. The service is powered by Lyft and is fairly new to Walt Disney World. All of the drivers are Disney cast members.

The driver of our Minnie Van to the Boardwalk was a woman originally from Illinois. Like most cast members at Disney World, she was quite chipper in her demeanor. The thing that struck me as quite nice is she seemed to be a genuinely nice person. She loved her life, she loved she loved what she did with her life, and her outlook was bright. One could easily see that her pleasant Midwest demeanor had just been enhanced with her relocation to Orlando.

Pleasant people make the world a better place.

I’ve saved this entry and photo as a reminder to me to focus on being pleasant. Find a positive attitude. Share those pleasantries.

It’s a great way to make the world a better place.