Earl and I were scheduled to go away on a four-day weekend starting tomorrow night after work. Our target destination was the greater Dallas-Fort Worth area. Last weekend we decided to cancel the trip for a number of reasons, the primary one being that we just weren’t “feeling it”.
While I would have enjoyed a trip to Dallas to see friends and to explore a bit, the timing felt a bit off. At this time last year Earl and I went to Houston and New Orleans for a week and that was quite lovely, and our trip to Dallas was along that same idea, travel during the holidays just to get into the swing of things. The thing is, we’re already swinging.
I’m starting to feel settled in a bit for the winter months. Our home feels cozy, we are surrounded by friends and family up here and we have some fun meet-ups coming up over the holiday season. The trip to Dallas would have been too short and honestly, probably a little too pricey (even though we were cashing in airline miles all over creation) for the budget right now.
I’ve done a little rearranging of my remaining vacation time so I have two three-day weekends in a row. Not surprisingly, I’ll be using some of that time to go flying again (everyone cross your fingers for good weather!). We’ll also be finishing up our holiday shopping and the like. I think we’ll have to spin the “Mall O’ Choice!” wheel again this year to see what mall deserves our holiday dollars. Last year we ended up at Danbury Fair and met Kevin and Brian in person for the first time. This year, who knows where we’ll go.
I just know that at the end of the day (even if it’s 2 a.m. after a 12 hour drive), we’ll be home as snug as a bug in a rug in our beds.
Home sweet home. Perfection.
Love your post JP! You are a very articulate & well spoken man…and also with a wicked sense of humor. 🙂
From previous pictures and now this one….I would have a hard time leaving home, too. It looks very nice and cozy. Snuggle, drink egg nog and hum holiday tunes.
Has it really been almost a year? Where has the time gone. I will say that was one of the best afternoons.
The irony is that it’s colder in Dallas now than it is where you live. 😉