April 13, 2002

Well it’s been a while since I’ve done a journal entry. What a time we’ve been having. Our bathroom has been completely gutted. On purpose. We decided to go ahead and remodel the bathroom, so the guys were here on Tuesday and started ripping it out. Now for the fun part – we have NO hot water right now! They had to take the radiator out to replace the floor, and since the hot water and the heat are all on one furnace, that means no hot water while the radiator is missing. So this prompted me to do what I needed to do anyways – join the gym. I’ve been wanting to get more in shape anyways and now I have a place to take a shower. I did some swimming during the week and today Earl and I went and worked out together. I am so sore right now it’s not even funny, but as they say, no pain, no gain. Whoever says that is a fool, but I suppose they’re right. 🙂 On the bright side, I was able to do 15 minutes on the treadmill after working on the machines and I didn’t make an ass of myself, so I suppose I’m making progress. We went to the laundromat today too (our washer and dryer live in the gutted bathroom) – and the laundromat is always such an experience. Why do you suppose that a laundromat would have 26 washers but only 14 dryers? Doesn’t make sense to me.

Today is the six year anniversary of Earl and my first date. Can’t believe it. To celebrate, we went to O’Connor’s Alexander Hamilton Inn in the village of Clinton. Oh my goodness… it was the best meal we’ve had in years! 🙂 Afterwards, we went to see “Tim Miller’s Glory Box” at Hamilton College. It’s a one-man performance about the issues around gay couples and immigration. Tim’s lover is from Australia and can’t get a green card because the United States does not recognize their relationship as a “true” or legal relationship. Which sucks. Did you know that the United States is the ONLY western country to not recognize a gay relationship when it comes to immigration? That sucks too. I think we’re going to call our congressman on this one and let him know what we think.

I’ve been doing more reading on Novus Spiritus and such. It’s all making such sense to me. It’s really making me a stronger person. I’m feeling so good.

I’m finally recovering from the jump to daylight savings time. I’m trying to be more carefree about my schedule, but work doesn’t cooperate (be in at 9 blah blah blah). I guess I don’t understand the need for daylight savings time anymore. Granted, it’s nice to have it light later, but it wreaks havoc with everyone’s internal clock, and I know that there are a lot of unhappy animals because their food is delayed an hour. I say leave it here and don’t go back to standard time.