

Well after sleeping almost 10 hours last night I can say that I’m feeling better this morning. I awoke around 6:45 a.m. to find the sheets soaked in sweat, I think that means my fever broke which has to be a good thing, right?

I’m still not feeling 100%, but I’m definitely headed in the right direction.

Abs? Please Hold.

For a person that refuses to get sick or even acknowledge any sort of sniffles, I’m really sucking at being healthy this weekend. I’ve had the sniffles since Friday night, hoping that extra rest would shoo them away so I’d be on my game for work this week. As of right now (Sunday, 7:48 p.m.), my head is pounding and I feel feverish. We don’t own a thermometer, since having one would admit that you get sick, but I’m guessing my temperature is around 99, which is high for me since I usually cook at 95 or so. Now that I think about it, I don’t know why my temperature is always so low but it always has been. So 99 for me is a fever.

Earl and I drove to Dick’s Sporting Goods today so that I could pick up some equipment I’ve been researching online. I’m ready to start working on building muscle now, since my weight loss has gone well, so I eagerly picked up some stretchy bands (sorry I’m not too technical), some weights and a chin up bar designed to hold up to 300 pounds and possibly decapitate anyone over 6 foot 7 inches.

I really want to work out tonight! I really do. But my subconscious, and further research on the internet, is telling me that I should hold off until I feel more like more normal self (cooking at 95 or so).

I was really trying hard to ignore this cold today. Earl and I cleaned the downstairs, caught up on laundry and made the trek to the mall. I was hoping that I could say “Ha! I’m not going to be sick!”

Alas, the abs will have to wait a few days.

Work It.

Work It.

Originally uploaded by macwarriorny.

After eating healthier for the past two weeks, this morning I decided to add some working out to my routine.

I felt like was killing myself as I lifted weights and did some sit ups. I can’t wait for spring so I can hit trails and road with my bike. I’m hoping to do some major long distance cycling this summer.

I felt better this morning after working out, now it’s just a matter of making it a habit.

Taquito Seniorito.

You know I’m just craving some wickedly delicious fast food when I spend time looking at a web site like this.

Chick-Fil-A waffle fries, a chicken sandwich and chicken nuggets with Polynesian Sauce anyone?

No Cheating.

With the buzzing off of my beard this morning and the positive energy I’ve got flowing through this body of mine, I decided that I need to stop cheating my way around. My way around food, that is.

For the past couple of years, I’ve drank Diet Pepsi in lieu of regular Pepsi. I’ve mentioned from time to time that I want to give it up as it wreaks havoc with my body and energy levels and such.

While Earl and I were down with his family this past weekend, his Aunt Olive and I got into a discussion about Aspartame and it’s namesakes – “NutraSweet”, “Equal”, “Splenda”, etc. I’ve always known in the back of my head just how bad this stuff is for you, but I did a little research online and just ran across horror story after horror story of what it actually does to your body. Research is showing that Aspartame consumption is bringing on blindness, ringing ears, forgetfulness, seizures, MS and lupus in individuals. It’s also wreaking havoc in kids, bringing on diabetes while kids are still in their single digits!

That doesn’t sound like “Better Living Through Chemistry” to me.

This morning when I awoke and amplified my change in attitude by shaving off my beard, doing a little yoga, etc., I decided that I would go 60 days without using a chemical substitute in my diet. No Splenda. No Aspartame. No diet soda (actually, no soda at all). No Olestra. (Actually, that last one is pretty easy since there’s no ’emergency trees’ in my office cubicle.) If I’m going to ‘splurge’ and have a soda, then it’s going to be the real deal and I’ll just pay the price in calories and at the dentist.

My new slogan is “Sugar Free? Not for me!”, since sugar free usually means “chemical substitute”.

Reading up on the effects of aspartame has led me to some bad things about dairy products. I need to do a little research there again and refresh my memory. But I do wonder how our ancestors stored and consumed the vast amounts of dairy products that we do, considering they had no refrigeration or anything like before the last 120 years or so. It does make one wonder…

I think it’s time to hit the natural foods section at the market again.