October 18, 2024


I am really enjoying YouTube these days. The mix of engaging and entertaining content is far more interesting than streaming and network offerings these days. Since I have a YouTube Premium subscription, I don’t see ads outside of sponsorship mentions embedded in videos.

My subscription list is relatively short, as I am constantly tweaking who I am following based on their content, but more importantly, my state of mind at any given moment. I find a large subscription list to be overwhelming and as mentioned in a previous video, occasionally I find tech oriented channels to be “triggering”.

A few of the channels I follow are focused on better ways to make video content. I have a few aviation stalwarts, and of course, I have my storm chasing interests as well.

Here’s a few of my top mentions (in no particular order).

I recently discovered SAMTIME, but from what I can tell from his content list, he’s been around for quite a while. I love the way he presents his spin on what’s happening in the tech world, and there’s more truth in his videos than most would probably like to admit.


I have been following Tornado Titans for a number of years, and in 2023 I had the opportunity to meet Raychel Sanner in person. She is super knowledgeable and more importantly, her videos are educational when it comes to storm chasing. Highly recommended for those interested in learning about the weather when Mother Nature is in a feisty mood.


If there was ever a channel that inspires my hiking videos, it’s Jeff Aiello and Outside Beyond The Lens. The cinematography is gorgeous and really pushes me in a creative mood.


I have been following Flight Chops since he first started making videos a decade ago. We’ve chatted online a few times and I look forward to our paths crossing in person in the future. (Hello, Airventure in Oshkosh next year)? His videos are informative and the production value is top notch.


I just started following Becca when she started her channel a few months ago. I don’t know a lot about her but her content is fantastic. I think she may have worked for The Verge or something. Like other videography channels I follow, I find her inspiring.


Like Becca, I didn’t start following Phil Edwards until he had his own channel. I think he came from an online magazine. His personal content is outstanding and informative, and he tackles subjects I wouldn’t think of. Another YouTube creator that inspires.