
I’ve figured out why social media is really starting to burn me out. It’s not the political discourse, because I’m doing my best to stay away from that stuff. Though admittedly, I’m contributing to it too often and so now I’m really trying hard to stay away.

No, the reason I’m getting burned out on social media is because of the “firehose” onslaught of information. There’s no coherency or consistency through the subjects, emotion, tempo, or timbre of the doomscrolling opportunities. My attention is being yanked from Linux tech talk to Trumpian idiocy, to why bees are important in less than three entries in the same round of scrolling and my brain is getting really tired jumping from subject to subject like that.

In reality I can jump from subject to subject, and I’m usually doing that at any given moment, but there’s usually a common thread in these jumps, no matter how obscure that thread is. And furthermore, I can’t find any rhyme, reason, or general pattern in these wildly oscillating topics flying by on the doomscrolling machine and it just makes my brain tired. Very tired.

Shockingly, forums like we had back in the days of GEnie, CompuServe, and AOL at least were based around a loose subject and I enjoyed that cohesion.

All I need is a 56K baud modem and I’d be good to go.