
I’m sitting outside after having a nice lunch with my husband. The breezes are pleasant, and it’s mid August, so the temperature is currently around 100ºF with the humidity on the low side. I’m used to this desert weather now. Everything is fine as long as I’m not in the sun.

Several of the folks I follow via my “Resurgence” blog roll (see the sidebar) have paused their social media activity and are concentrating on just their blogs. I like this. At times my social media feeds are filled with way too many opinions and nearly not enough facts. It’s good to step away from the noise from time to time. It’s not like pandemic times when we didn’t have a choice for interaction with other people.

Earl and I are planning a little road trip this weekend that involves my most strenuous hike to date. If I reach the heights I hope to reach it’ll be me hiking at my highest elevation thus far. I’m looking forward to the challenge.

This guy bonked himself on Mike’s office window yesterday, but sorted himself out and got himself together while sitting in the palm tree adjacent to the window. He’s was only about seven inches tall.

Another reason for sitting outside is because I enjoy the fresh air, regardless of how warm or hot that air is. Air conditioning is a wonderful thing and a necessity in the desert, but sometimes I just want to feel Mother Nature’s natural breezes.

I find it refreshing.