I am sitting here waiting for Earl to come home. He had to work late tonight, and then he went to work out at the gym. I’m proud of him for sticking to the work out. It’s good for him and it seems to quiet his mind, which is a good thing.

I’m listening to some Native American flute at the moment – with a nice incense burning as well. I try not to burn incense while Earl is in the room, as it bothers his allergies. I find the Native American flute music so relaxing and centering. I wish I could listen to it at work as well, but working for a radio station sort of forces me to listen to the radio while I’m there. 🙂

Tomorrow night we’re heading off to Syracuse with our friends Vic and Dennis. We’re going to Chili’s for dinner – then maybe a movie afterwards. It should be a fun evening, a great way to kick off the weekend.

Saturday we have the St. Patrick’s Day parade for the radio station. It’ll be fun, though it suppose to rain! Dolly Parton once talked about our St. Patrick’s Day parade on Letterman. It seems she was performing here in town and a snow storm had stranded her. She looked out the window of her downtown hotel room (which is only five floors at the most) and saw the St. Patrick’s Day parade – in progress! She got to Letterman the following Monday and told the whole world about it.

My beard is coming all nicely. I was going to go for the big goatee and sideburns, but have decided on a full beard for now. Just in time for spring! I know, I do everything backwards.

The new computer is humming along nicely. I’m installing software, doing a virus scan and working on my journal all at the same time! Let’s here it for the Pentium 4! 🙂